Sweden Has a Mall That Sells Only Recycled Stuff And It’s Totally Worth A Visit

Eskilstuna is a town in Sweden you must visit. Here’s why


Eskilstuna the town in Sweden has set a great example in the world by opening the only shopping mall that sells only recycled goods. The mall is called ReTuna Återbruksgalleria and has shops that sell recycled and upcycled goods. While Tuna is a short name for the town, Återbruk means reuse and Galleria as we all know means mall.

ReTuna Återbruksgalleria Sweden

Image Credit: blogspot.com

No one owns the mall as such but is run by a team of environmental activists from the town. The mall is commercially driven and they accept everything that can be recycled and just in case someone donates something that cannot be recycled, then pass it on to other places where they can make use of it like schools etc. Or else they are sent to recycling stations.

They have around fifty employees and around 9 stores that sell only recycled stuff. The things sold include everything from second-hand bicycles, clothes, furniture etc. There is a restaurant inside the mall beside the conference hall and meeting room, three small pop-up-stores and one educational center.

ReTuna Återbruksgalleria Organic Food

Image Credit: inhabitat.com

ReTuna Återbruksgalleria is open seven days a week. What makes this concept work is that the people of the town understand the value or the necessity to recycle and hence have no hang-ups about buying second hand or used and recycled stuff.

The recent addition to the mall is a florist’s shop that sells “ecologically grown plants and flowers in reused flower pots. What’s interesting is that ReTuna Återbruksgalleria also hosts DIY demonstrations and classes, teaching people how to reuse and recycle stuff.

Sweden Recycling Mall

Image Credit: blogspot.com

If all the cities, towns, villages etc. could adopt and start something like this, then our world would be a cleaner, less polluted and a better place to live in!

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