How To Clean Your Ears The Right Way?

Dos and Don'ts of ear cleaning

How To Clean Your Ears The Right Way?

True, we don’t really pay much attention to our ears when we are already decked and groomed properly, unless of course the ear wax reaches deadly proportions and forces us to take stock!

Painful ear wax is something that everyone has faced at least once. The reason behind this is that, our body produces ear wax as a means of protecting the ears, especially the inner parts of the ear, from pollutants such as dirt, bugs, bacteria, and so on.

Can too much ear wax cause problems?

Initially, too much ear wax may not really be a health scare, but let it build up and you will soon start feeling a stabbing pain in your ears. These can get so bad that it can also lead to severe headaches, difficulty in hearing, nausea and even vision problems.

If left untreated, regular build-up of ear wax can also lead to deafness.

Cotton Buds

How to clean your ears

If you are not suffering from any pain and just want to clean your ears to prevent the wax build-up, here are a few ways you should follow:

  • Use an ear bud or washcloth to gently clean the outside area of your ears.
  • Add a few drops of gentle oil, such as mineral oil, baby oil, or even a drop of glycerine, inside your ear. This will help the ear wax to become soft and it will fall out easily.
  • You can purchase an over the counter ear wax removal kit and use it at home. Make sure that you read all the instructions mentioned and then proceed.
  • Use an ear bud or cotton swab to gently remove the ear wax. You can dab it with baby oil or mineral oil and then use it to clean the insides as well as outer area of your ear.
  • For any of the steps above, make sure you do so very gently.

How NOT TO clean your ears

How Not To Clean Your Ears

While many people believe in using ear candles, this can lead to severe damage and injury, especially if it is not just ear wax build-up but something else that needs medical attention. The ear candling method uses hollow candles that are placed inside the ear canal and lit at the other end. However, this can lead to burns as well as poke and hurt the ears inside.

Also, when using an ear bud, make sure you do not insert it too far into the ear, as it can end up hurting or even tearing the ear drum.

The best way to make sure you do not end up hurting yourself is to regularly clean your ears while taking a bath, and once a week using a cotton swab to gently clean away any residue.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.