Did You Know Of This River Of Floating Boats In Meghalaya?

Dawki on the Ungmot river in Meghalaya is a fairyland on water

Did You Know Of This River Of Floating Boats In Meghalaya?

Dawki, in the enchanting Jaintia hills of Meghalaya is the last village before the Indo-Bangladesh border. But, it seems a place from another planet, where boats float in mid-air, and the water is bluer than the sky.

If you are looking for men in military uniform and some intense drama, you will miss it all in Dawki. The border fence is undemarcated and unguarded, and lies somewhere in the vast paddy fields that go on till the horizon. Barring a small nullah and some stone pillars, there is nothing to suggest this was indeed an international border.

The Ungmot river is a magical piece of nature. Fishermen will take you across in their boats. But the boats seem to float suspended in mid-air, and the river water is so crystal clear and still that it feels like glass. As you row over the waters, you can see the pebbles on the riverbed that shimmer like a bejewelled carpet. The riverbed lies 12 feet below the surface, but looks absolutely clear.

The river is so clear that it creates an illusion that the boats float on it
The river is so clear that it creates an illusion that the boats float on it

Image Credit: rediff

The ride is made more magical with precariously hanging mountain rocks over the peaks, and waterfalls on mountain sides, that gurgle down to the river. The lush green landscape and the call of the various birds transports travellers to another time.

The Ungmot river is a natural divide between the Jhantia and Khasi hills. There is also a small island in the middle of the river, which will remind you of Sindbad’s tale and the legend of Roc. This small island is strewn wit blue and white rocks.

The Ungmot river is a natural divide betweek Jhantia and Khasi hills
The Ungmot river is a natural divide betweek Jhantia and Khasi hills

Image Credit: assettypes

You also come across the famous Dawki bridge above the river. This is a suspended bridge, built by the British in 1930. Only one vehicle can cross it at a time, and it also demarcates the borders between the two countries.

The Dawki bridge is a colonial remnant over the river
The Dawki bridge is a colonial remnant over the river

Image Credit: mustseeplaces

You can also visit the village of living roots bridges of Mawlynnog on a trip to Dawki. Dawki is a day’s trip from Shillong. The best time to visit Dawki is from January to May. The river is shut to boating when it gets inundated in monsoon.

So, head to this magical river this summer for an enchanting experience.

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