A Young Indian Female Solo Traveller Speaks About Her Journey

Tanvi Kudalkar took off to Kasol on a whim, and see what happened


An entrepreneurial baker, Tanvi Kudalkar felt that she needed a break from work. She knew she had to break out before the routine gets to her. Usually she does something different on every birthday. She dislikes the cliched dinner and cake ritual. So, this time her birthday came around, she decided to do something really different.

As a gift to herself, she decided to take a solo trip, her first ever. “What inspired me for this trip was the challenge whether I could be independent and out of my comfort zone, in a new place with different cultures and traditions. I have always loved to travel, and even as a child I would be curious how people lead a different life in different places. So, I packed my bags and said to myself Let’s do this!”

Tanvi gifted herself a trip to the mountains for her birthday
Tanvi gifted herself a trip to the mountains for her birthday

Tanvi chose Kasol as her destination because the Himalayas have always inspired her. She did tremendous research among her friend circles, and their friends too before she decided on the place. She began reading about it, and speaking to other solo travellers on the internet. “The best feeling was a few days before the trip because the only plan I had was to reach Kasol and then figure out what to do and which places to visit.”

Many friends helped her plan the journey. She took a ISBT bus from Delhi to Kullu, and from there a bus to Bhuntar. And changed buses again at Bhuntar, for a couple of hours journey to Kasol. “Since I was travelling alone, I had booked a cozy little homestay called Pushpa Homestay through a friend who had stayed there when he visited Kasol. The first day I walked around and did cafe hopping and gobbled on some amazing food. Luckily, I met another solo traveller from Kerala couple of days later and planned to visit Manikaran. We also trekked to Chhalal the next day. The homestay that I stayed in did not make me miss home back in Goa at all because every evening when I came back they would ask me “Kya kiya aaj?” (what did you do today) and “Daal chawal banaya hai, garam garam khaa lo” (Your meal is ready).”

Tanvi trekked to Chalal with another solo traveller from Kerala
Tanvi trekked to Chalal with another solo traveller from Kerala

When Tanvi told her friends about travelling alone, some were surprised and most asked her what she planned to do there alone. Her parents though understood easily and encouraged her to have the great experience, but with some conditions applies.

Tanvi feels that girls should venture into solo travelling more
Tanvi feels that girls should venture into solo travelling more

Tanvi feels that the number of solo female travellers need to increase in India. She says, “one had to be cautious at all times and be careful because many parts of India are not safe for a female solo traveller. And that is why I chose Kasol as a destination because it is one of the safest places for women.” Only when women start travelling alone, will stereotypes break. Women can travel alone, and irrespective of gender solo travel is a must for everyone to getter a better understanding of themselves.

Tanvi achieved a calm and confidence after her solo trip to the mountains
Tanvi achieved a calm and confidence after her solo trip to the mountains

Travelling solo also helps in confidence and conviction about oneself. Tanvi says, “I got this sense of a different kind of confidence after I came back which made me very happy. I was happy because I pulled off a solo trip which I never expected to do although it was on my bucket list. Also, I felt very calm, refreshed and energised when I got back to work. I now have the confidence to pull of another solo trip and already started planning the next one.”

So, if you have never done it before, head for a solo trip this year.

Read Also: 7 Best Destinations In India For Solo Female Travelers