Too Scared To Go Deep Sea Diving? No Worries, Walk Through The Marine Park In Gujarat Instead

The Narara reef displays rich marine life at mere ankle-deep water

Too Scared To Go Deep Sea Diving? No Worries, Walk Through The Marine Park In Gujarat Instead
Image Credit: Image Credit: Twitter

The marine world is indeed a magical place. Colourful fish, enigmatic creatures and the coral life transports divers to another world. You may have seen videos or pictures of the mystical life of the ocean. And you can experience it too when you visit a destination that offers the chance of deep sea diving.

But, while it is a beautiful world, it can be scary for some. To dive into the ocean deep, with the weight of the water above you can be a worrisome perspective for few, especially if you carry a phobia of the water.

Now, however, even you can experience the beauty of rich marine life at ankle-deep water. The Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat is an ecological paradise endowed with marine biodiversity that is still being discovered. But few know that this diversity is accessible to the public via the Marine Sanctuary and Marine National Park.

You can view deep sea creatures like the beautiful sea anemone
You can view deep sea creatures like the beautiful sea anemone

Image Credit: gujaratgov

During low tides, the sea water recedes several kilometres, exposing the ocean life to human eye. If you are on the way from Bhuj to Gondal, take a diversion off the highway at Morbi, and a few hours drive will take you to Narara.

The park and sanctuary are spread along the coastline and a series of islands, the most popular being Pirotan, easily accessed by boat. A walk near the Narara reef will bring you in close proximity ocean water, that is teeming with coral and sea life, including puffer fish, octopuses, stingrays, and more.

You can watch marine life in very shallow waters

Image Credit: holidayiq

You may have to dirty your feet as you stomp through the salty wetland on the beach. but the walk is worth the effort. When you look at the hordes of painted storks and herons on the horizon, you will realise how close this brings you to virgin nature.

Many birds, like the painted stork, wade with you in the shallow waters
Many birds, like the painted stork, wade with you in the shallow waters

Image Credit: natgeotraveller

After plodding through the shallow water, you will amidst colourful coral mounds and algae. It is better to take an official guide, as they will uncover the right rocks to reveal colourful coral and sponges, with tiny starfish, sea anemone, and sea cucumbers hidden beneath. Look out for the hairy looking wolf crabs, an octopus-like sea creature with tentacles from the starfish family, and the fascinating puffer fish, which balloons up when threatened.

The Narara reef hides an enigmatic marine world. It is made more enchanting by its isolation from the popular tourist circuits.

So, if you are apprehensive of deep sea diving, Kutch Marine Park reveals the marine wonder at shallower depths.

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