The Police Are Really Angry With Keke, And Here’s Why

The #InMyFeeling challenge is causing accidents everywhere

The Police Are Really Angry With Keke, And Here’s Why
Image Credit: youtube,

Drake’s new song ‘In My Feelings’ came out as part of a lengthy fifth studio album Scorpion. In true Drake style, even the memes became viral. But things really went crazy when comedian Shiggy prompted the #Kekechallenge or #InMyFeelingschallenge, a viral dance craze that has since taken on a life of its own.

Doing this in India does seem a challenge with misplaced electricity poles, cow dung piles, pot holes and generally, too many people on the road. But now, the police have come out and stated the obvious. They don’t want people doing this challenge.

Police forces across the world have issued warnings to deter people from participating in this challenge. The Mumbai Police, for instance, asked people everyone to “desist from public nuisance” and posted a compilation of the incidents that have taken place because of it. Mumbai Police, one of India’s most Twitter-savvy police departments, issued the twitter warning last week.

Apart from Mumbai police, even the Uttar Pradesh Police have urged parents to desist their children from engaging in this foolhardy challenge.

Since being posted some eight hours ago, the tweet has collected over 1,000 ‘likes’ and more than 500 retweets.

Even in the United States, where the challenge originated, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is asking fans to please, please, not do that #InMyFeelings challenge that involves jumping out of a moving car and dancing. On top of that, drivers should definitely not film said challengers, as they say that it is equally stupid and in violation of pretty much all the distracted driving laws.

Videos of people hurting themselves and spoofs of the challenge have also started coming out, highlighting that not all challenges are worth the risk.

This is a stark reminder that influencers should know of their power, and should promote healthy and safe conduct. It is really stupid if a teenager is injured doing something as useless and vain as a Keke challenge.