When The 11 Year Old Wished For PM Modi On Her Birthday!

And Modiji wished for her well-being

When The 11 Year Old Wished For PM Modi On Her Birthday!
Image Credit: Twitter

All we want for our birthday is a cake, and some people who sing us ‘Happy Birthday’ while we cut it. Apparently, an 11 year old girl Belaku wanted the same, but with a twist. When her father asked her about her birthday wish, she wished to have a birthday cake with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s picture on it.

After witnessing his daughter’s love for the leading man, proud father Mahesh Vikram Hedge tweeted a picture of the cake vehemently stressing on the word ‘chor’ sarcastically since Rahul Gandhi didn’t leave any media conference without commenting that Narendra Modi’s Government is apparently a ‘chor’ owing to the Rafale deal with France. Following this, Twitterati made it a point to convey their birthday wishes to Belaku, because if Prime Minister did it, why shouldn’t we?

To sum it up, the co-founder of Postcards is none other than Mahesh Vikram Hedge, Belaku’s father who was arrested for spreading incessant fake news, but who cares about that now? The fact that Hedge ji’s daughter exclusively didn’t want a ‘Chhota Bheem’ cake and instead chose Narenda Modi for her special day was quite amusing. Not that we are judging!

“I want Modi ji’s photo on my birthday cake”, Belaku’s wish might not have been normal, but the birthday cake assures the genuineness of it. Though Belaku wouldn’t be able to help Narendra Modi in his next elections since she is a little kid, Narendra Modi did not fail to provide a professional reply with best wishes and prayers for her happiness and health which was also extremely predictable. The overwhelmed Prime Minister might have had a good night’s sleep after knowing that his supporters range from old men to little kids!

Yes, people might have weird wishes, but this wish showed how respected our PM is among the little ones in our country. Probably next time, more than half the children of our country would want a ‘Narendra Modi’ cake for their birthday. Dear Mr. Modi, you better be ready with beautiful portraits!