5 Ways Stress Can Impact Your Skin

Every time you get stressed, your skin loses its shine and here is how.

5 Ways Stress Can Impact Your Skin
Image Credit: Deseret News

It is common to be stressed out but you need to know to manage it too. Stress is known to impact your psychological health but here is something else that you should know. Unexpectedly, stress can impact your beauty, hair, and skin to a greater extent.

Acne Develops Due To Stress

Getting stressed? Think of acne!
Getting stressed? Think of acne!

Image Credit: Clear Skin Concierge

When you get stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced in higher quantities that in turn produces more oil in your skin. As a result, the dead skin cells get trapped with dirt and result in acne breakouts and clogged pores.

People in their 20s and 30s are affected with acne for this reason!

Skin Turns Dry And Flaky

Finding your skin flaky? Remember that you have undergone stress recently.
Finding your skin flaky? Remember that you have undergone stress recently.

Image Credit: Min’s Beauty Equipment

It is habitual to skip water when you are stressed. Instead, you grab some coffee to drink and avoid dehydration. What happens to your skin in the mid? The insufficient hydration paves way for your skin to become dry. Further, you may look like an aged person with flaky skin.

Though you can’t escape from stress, make sure to consume foods with high water content in such situations.

Skin Flare-Ups Are Common

Take a warm shower when you are stressed to avoid flare-ups.
Take a warm shower when you are stressed to avoid flare-ups.

Image Credit: Dr. Robaina

If you are someone already suffering from eczema, getting stress can only worsen the situation. You begin to itch the scene without your knowledge and the low moisture content can increase the redness of your skin. This is also due to the gut imbalance that occurs when your stress levels are high.

Take a warm shower and moisturize your skin no matter how your mental health condition is.

Your Skin Develops Fine Lines

Furrowing your face has long term impacts on the skin, did you know?
Furrowing your face has long term impacts on the skin, did you know?

Image Credit: Pond5

Do you furrow your brows or purse your lips when you are stressed? You are likely to develop deeper wrinkles in those areas over a period of time. These worry lines can make you look old!

Make sure to use a serum for your face that can moisturize the skin and eliminate such fine lines!

Have You Noted Your Face Turning Red?

As you get stressed, your face turns red.
As you get stressed, your face turns red.

Image Credit: Coastal Valley Dermatology

When you are stressed, your face automatically turns red. You tend to take shallow and short breaths and sometimes, you may even hold your breath. According to Doris, an NYC-based cosmetic dermatologist, breathing patterns during your stressful times can harm your skin.

It’s a good idea to include chamomile tea that can eliminate redness and flushing and make you regain lost beauty. Stress can affect your skin terribly. You should either gain control of it, or remember the tips mentioned here.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.