How To Rescue Yourself From Boring Conversations At Parties?

Avoid conversations, not parties!

How To Rescue Yourself From Boring Conversations At Parties?
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Most of us avoid parties in order to avoid boring party conversations. The small talks, the long talks, the annoying talks, talk talk talk. It is just intolerable. What’s even worse is not being able to get out of a boring conversation. You cannot offend that someone and tell them, “hey you are boring, bye bye”. (I wish I could!) But obviously, this is the option we never have! So what do we do? How do we rescue ourselves?

Offer Someone Else Up For Sacrifice

Maybe they end up having an interesting conversation. You never know!
Maybe they end up having an interesting conversation. You never know!

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Look, you have had enough of it. Now, you just want to enjoy the party and wrap up this boring conversation ASAP. Friends, this is an emergency! And desperate times call for desperate measures. You only have to think about saving yourself, okay? So, here we go- start looking for a nice and fresh “bali ka bakra”. All you have to do is observe! As soon as you see someone coming your way, engage that person in the conversation. Tell them what you were talking about. As soon as you see the other two getting involved in the conversation, start making your way out of it. Make it look like you wanted to stay but you will have to excuse yourself. Bye bye, boring conversation! Hello, partayy!

Ask Them If They Need Something

This is the best trick. Just ask your counterpart if they would like to have a drink or coffee or anything to eat because you were going to get one yourself. They will most probably say yes for something or the other. RUN MY FRIEND! THAT YES IS YOUR TICKET TO FREEDOM! Ah wait, “but don’t we have to return with the promised drink?” Of course, you do! BUT NOT IF you see them having found someone else to have a *conversation* with! Let them be. Do not go back. You too found someone else and forgot to get back to them. It happens, okay? They don’t need to know it was planned!

Just Leave

You don’t owe then an explanation.
You don’t owe then an explanation.

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Yeah, enough of ‘finding an excuse’ and ‘making a plan of exit’! Sometimes, all you have to do is politely tell them that you got to leave. That cannot be so difficult! People are more understanding than you give them credit for. Not everyone gets offended because you left a conversation midway. People understand and know that you must have had a reason. (Even if you didn’t)

Do not be dumb enough to start talking to the next person you see. Make sure when you leave, you create a good enough distance. All you have to do is ask them to excuse you and go away from their sight. It is really that simple.

Do not avoid the parties, now that you know how to avoid the boring party conversations! Alright?