We Are All Salespersons At The End Of The Day

In essence Sales is just the art of persuasion.

We Are All Salespersons At The End Of The Day
Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Salesperson, as a profession, isn’t looked at in a very bright light. It is often associated with a sense of low self-esteem. This behaviour and notion of ours is not only extremely WRONG but also highly hypocritical. Hypocritical? Yes, because believe it or not- we are all salespersons. We all SELL what we have in order to earn money. In fact we constantly sell ourselves, our ideas, our talents, our skills to someone or the other. We do it every day and come back home with a sense of pride. Yet, we look down on people who sell the work of others.

Even beyond work, we are always doing sales pitches in one way or the other. Sometimes it is just us trying to convince others to agree with our viewpoint and on other times it is just us trying to persuade a potential partner to spend an evening with you.

We are ALL over here into the business of selling; it is just that we believe it to be something else.

Now that it is something that we HAVE to do on daily basis, we better be good at it as well!

Be Well-Informed About Your Sales Item/Idea

Simply put, you got to know what you’re talking about.
Simply put, you got to know what you’re talking about.

Image Credit: Pexels.com

If you are yourself not completely knowledgeable about what you are selling, how do you expect others to fall in line? Selling should be a planned process if you really want to succeed and the first step is always going to be KNOWLEDGE. Educate yourself about the idea, thought, concept, or product that you are going to sell. You must know everything about it and be ready to answer all kinds of questions. As someone who is selling, you have to be ready to face everyone else’s defence against your item and you will have to do that very respectfully. You will have to assume they don’t want it and yet your mission has to be to make them want it. That’s an everyday typical SALE for you!

Change Your Viewpoint

It’s quite difficult to succeed in sales if you do not really BELIEVE in it.
It’s quite difficult to succeed in sales if you do not really BELIEVE in it.

Image Credit: Pexels.com

As brought into light in the very beginning of this article, people perceive sales as something not so good. Salesperson as a profession is considered the last career option or something you’d do if you got nothing else. So, first of all in order to succeed, you will have to change this perception. You can be good at something you intrinsically consider negative. To sell is an art. It is also science, science of persuasion. As a salesperson, you are effectively serving the people because you are helping them get what they want.

So, change your perception and do not forget the fact that WE ALL SALESPERSONS!

Start planning your sales from today. And here’s a pro tip- start by asking relevant questions. Make sure you go prepared with few excellent questions and throw them at your audience. You will go a long way!