How To Make Yourself More Valuable Than Others

There’s some value attached to every professional at work.

How To Make Yourself More Valuable Than Others
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Like every share in the market, like every product inside the store, every professional also has a value attached to them. The truth is that you get paid for the value you bring to the marketplace and thus, that pay in retrospect becomes your own value in the industry. So, the only certain way of growing financially is you making yourself more valuable.

Few days back I wrote an article on how we are all salespersons. And today, we will talk about how to make sure we sell ourselves at the highest possible price.

Identify Your USP And Broaden Its Scope

Your X-factor comes naturally to you. Work on it and use it like a weapon.
Your X-factor comes naturally to you. Work on it and use it like a weapon.

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Every salesperson has a unique selling proposition. Identify yours and expand on it. You might be naturally good at convincing, you might have special knack for technology, you could be an exceptional organizer and so on. Whatever be your USP, make sure you remain in touch with it and make it stronger everyday because this is something that will take you a long way. Use your gift to the best of your ability and make sure the market knows about it.

Work On Additional Skills

We are not just talking about making you more valuable than you already were. We are talking about making you more valuable than everyone else and that will obviously require you to offer something extra. In order to distinguish yourself from the rest, you will have to develop additional skills and attributes. The process of learning should never stop. Learn from your seniors, learn from your colleagues, learn from your clients and then learn some more. Attend seminars and apply for training courses if that’s what it takes. But, get yourself those bonus skills RIGHT NOW!

Most importantly, READ. Read as much as you can, read whenever you can. Nothing will add better value to your professional self than a good read. Nothing!

Do YOU Think You Are Valuable?

If you truly believe in your value, everyone else will too.
If you truly believe in your value, everyone else will too.

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In order to make the market believe of your value, you need to first very strongly believe it yourself. There is no point otherwise. You must do everything you can to become exceptionally confident about yourself and the value you hold. To begin with, hold yourself accountable and make sure you always keep promises. These things reflect heavily on your self-worth. Then, you also need to make sure you are an expert of your area of operation. If you are a writer, make sure you are a master of it. If not, work on it and become one.

I hope you become as valuable as you aim to become. At least now you know how to!