Five Destinations In India For Best Instagram Doortraits

Door portraits to make your Instagram profile more colourful and your travel more interesting

Five Destinations In India For Best Instagram Doortraits

Every door has a story behind it. The turn of a knob can open a whole new world. Probably, it is because of this voyeuristic quality that instagrammers have become fascinated with doors. Door portraits or doortraits make interesting pictures.

Travellers can chronicle their journey through doors. But if you are looking to capture particularly interesting pictures for your travel diary, here are some destinations in India that will be perfect for you.

Go French In Pondicherry

White borders and yellow walls are classic in Pondicherry

Image Credit: wordpress

Colourful doors framed in white against the classical yellow walls are a characteristic sign in the colonial quarters of Pondicherry. Pondicherry’s French Quarter is laid out in a grid pattern, with parallel streets cutting across each other at right angles. This makes for perfect compositions against the pink bougainvillea. You can live through the story of this idyllic town just by taking a stroll in the old quarter or enjoying a drink in its many cafes.

The Hidden Quarter Of Fountainhas In Goa

The Latin quarters in Panjim are an Instagrammer’s secret
The Latin quarters in Panjim are an Instagrammer’s secret

Image Credit: pinterest

Very few travellers to Goa know of this part of Panjim. Behind the bustling promenade on the Mondavi river, there is a residential quarter made of old Portuguese houses in colourful facades. Every year, these houses open their living rooms to a painting exhibition, when the area turns into a huge gallery. You can take ample pictures in its narrow and colourful alleys. Residents bedeck their front porches with trinkets and memorabilia making for interesting compositions.

The Colourful Torans In Gujarat

Huge wooden doors maintain the old world charm in Gujarat
Huge wooden doors maintain the old world charm in Gujarat

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Wooden doors with huge iron hooks, and murals painted on their tiles, doors in Gujarat are works of art. They are often beautified with torans, colourful garlands woven with glass beads. These garlands are hung with copper pots as a sign of welcome. But they make the whole visual more interesting. Against the dusty roads, these doors are a sign of thriving art and cultural gaiety.

The Jagannath In Odisha

Houses in Odisha paint their walls with divine emblems

Image Credit: blogspot

In Odisha, each house door has a large painting of a form of their lord, Jagannath. The doors are also decorated with white paintings, made from rice flour paste. The paintings are bedecked with lotus, eyes and other divine emblems. Against the blue walls, these make for colourful and interesting pictures.

The Colours Of Jaipur

The colourful murals in Jaipur make palace doors a work of art
The colourful murals in Jaipur make palace doors a work of art

Image Credit: pinterest

The pink city of Jaipur has classical doors, not only in the palaces but also on every street corner. This is where every Instagram novice should begin their doorstrait tale. Carved wooden panels with enamel works and colourful murals turn every doors into a work of art.

So, if you want to pursue instagramming with doors and want to tell your stories through pictures, these destinations are a perfect getaway with your camera.

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