How To Make The Most Of A Small Vacation

Planning a short trip? Here’s how you can maximize on the fun

How To Make The Most Of A Small Vacation

The sad reality for those who love to travel is that there is never enough time to take as many breaks as you would love to, right?

So what do you do when there’s a small weekend, but you still want to go out somewhere?

Well, you go for a small vacation, and make the most of your limited time to enjoy it the most.

Plan plan and plan

If you want to go around and make sure you can catch all that the place has to offer, do a little homework and find out what all is there to see and do. Once you have the information, you can easily rule out or stick to some of the things you definitely want to do.When going to a very popular tourist spot, you can always find smaller attractions too.

The Shakespeare and Company book store in France is one such spot no book lover can miss, and it’s just a little walk away from the very popular Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris.
The Shakespeare and Company book store in France is one such spot no book lover can miss, and it’s just a little walk away from the very popular Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris.

Start early

Many travellers make use of the night so that they reach their destination early in the morning. If you don’t prefer night traveling or can’t, start really early so that you still have enough time through the day.

An apparently 15 minute break can easily turn into a 45 minute one. Keep essentials in the car and taking takeaway tea and coffee.
An apparently 15 minute break can easily turn into a 45 minute one. Keep essentials in the car and taking takeaway tea and coffee.

Less breaks on the road means more time at the destination

For those who are doing a road trip, try taking as less breaks as you can.

Check with locals

Believe it or not, the locals are often the best guides to tell you whether or not you need to visit that spot and what is the best way to get there. Don’t blindly trust travel recommendation sites and maps. For instance, on a recent trip to a fort, even as I was headed towards taking a ferry ride, locals advised me how the entire place was jammed and there was a wait time of more than one hour (which turned out to be true). Thankfully I took their advice and moved away, instead of getting caught in the crowd.

The road you take will also form a part of your experiences, so make sure to enjoy the sights.
The road you take will also form a part of your experiences, so make sure to enjoy the sights.

Take it all in

Do what you love doing best in your time. This is not a race to mark off as many spots off the tourist list. If you love to walk, move through the streets and lanes and take in the culture and life. If you love photography, find yourself a quiet spot and get clicking.

Short travel times mean more energy, more fun, more adventures, all in a lesser span of time, so make the most of it and enjoy it!

Read Also: How To Pack Light And Yet Have Enough For Your Trip