Why Are Indian Flyers Always Rushing To Get Off The Plane?

what exactly do we label these people as?


I was recently traveling by air and both the times was lucky to get the window seat. However, both the times I was also witness to the typical scenario that happens every time I am flying – people wanting to jump off the plane the moment we hit the runway.

Last night I was on a flight back home and was sitting comfortably in my window seat. We were still circling the airspace over the destination and it would be at least another ten minutes before I needed to really start arranging my things and get up, so I was pretty lazy, with a book in hand. This time, I was reading Arthur Miller’s Focus, in case anyone is interested.

Anyway, we soon made it to the runway, and even as we just about slowed down a little, I could hear those very familiar sounds of seat belts being taken off. I knew what would follow next.

I was sitting towards the rear end of the cabin – one of those areas where passengers are always ‘ready’ to run and win the race of who can deplane first.

It’s another story they never win, and they always end up amusing me.

So coming back to where I was sitting, this gentleman right in front of me immediately got up, even when the flight was still moving and the seat belt signs were still clearly on. The voice from the back rang out immediately, loud and clear – “Sir, please sit down right now. The craft is still moving and the seat belt signs are on.”

Wow, how wonderfully embarrassing and entertaining for me (I broke out in this huge smile and I believe a few chuckles were pretty audible too).

The gentleman in question, even though he did sit down again, was extremely restless. He was ready to jump and take his bag and run!
The gentleman in question, even though he did sit down again, was extremely restless. He was ready to jump and take his bag and run!

Image Credit: Representational image only

It’s a test you see, who reaches to the front of the queue, who gets off the plane first, who picks up the baggage at the luggage belt first.

Very well.

So the moment the seat belt sign was off, up he jumped and was opening the bin overhead. I got up slowly and started to move ahead, and this a#$@$ of a man had the audacity to block my way, so that he could take his bag and move out first. He had two big cabin bags he was trying to wrestle with, while there was nothing I had to get out of the bin. There was enough way for him to let me pass through. But he kept his foot in place and barred me out with his knee! He just wouldn’t let me pass.

Anyway, in this wonderful race, he was still just ahead of me, and all his jumping around didn’t get him any ahead of the others. Even better, I reached the baggage claim before him, so there goes. I wonder if running from the airplane to baggage carousel make your luggage arrive any faster?

But it wasn’t over.

I took my things and reached the elevator for the parking, and this huge family steps in. Another passenger, who was traveling alone, also gets in with his luggage. It is getting late, cabs are already waiting, and everyone is in a rush to reach. And then, this family blocks the elevator, because two of their members are out there buying snacks! The other passenger is clearly angry now and tells them they can’t block the elevator like this. The argument got heated and they started pushing each other, and the family said they wouldn’t let us go ahead, unless they too could come!

Wow! I didn’t get into the fight there, but I was just wondering, what exactly do we label these people? Any choice abuse comes to mind?

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