Here’s How To Become A Problem Solver At Work

Be an artist at resolving issues that are hindering your work

Here’s How To Become A Problem Solver At Work
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Every workplace is always full of problems and fewer men who can actually control them. Like, the regular ‘why isn’t the coffee machine working?’ to ‘why isn’t the internet connecting?’ is very common, but at times, you literally have greater problems and that when are baffled.

If you are someone who is in fact trusted by your colleagues at work for your handy advices that remind them of their mother, congratulations, you are Mr./Ms. Problem Solver! That means you have this huge responsibility on your shoulder to check on to every desk and make sure nothing is going wrong. If only they’d pay you for all the work you do! But, even if you are one, there’s always scope for improvement, and for the ones who aren’t, chill, you’ll learn:

Know What The Actual Problem Is

Before trying to solve the problem, be clear about what the problem actually is
Before trying to solve the problem, be clear about what the problem actually is

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Being in an office means, to be surrounded by vivid personalities. Now, information might come to you twisted. ‘Josh killed a mosquito’ can turn into ‘Josh killed Mr. Skeedo’ in no time. So, as the problem solver, you always need to be clear of what’s going on and how did that happen. Knowing a problem from its gist could literally help you with your added title of a problem solver!

Evaluation And Segregation

Applying BODMAS to any problem is always the wiser decision. Do your calculations before selecting the possible options. When mom warned you to score well in maths, you should’ve listened to her more carefully!

“Problem solving is one of the most critical skills for workplace survival and success. In combination with strong communication and leadership skills, problem solving skills can make the difference between promotion and dismissal.

Awareness, ownership, creativity, and persistence are key elements to problem solving. Those unaware of their surroundings never get past the first stage, but those who observe carefully and look for opportunities for improvement are on the right track. Developing a sense of ownership means, taking on the problem as one’s own, and driving toward resolution, no matter what. Owning a problem means no walking away until it’s solved. Creativity and innovation are key at this stage – old solutions won’t solve new problems. Finally, persistence keeps the pressure on until the problem’s solved” says Mr. Hamid Farooqui, CEO of SoGoSurvey.

Follow-Through Every Move

A problem solver is the Sherlock Holmes their office. Your detective skills would literally fetch you good results at problem solving because your observation power is unmatched.

Think Beyond The Box

Always think ahead of the times, and how your decision will affect in the longer run
Always think ahead of the times, and how your decision will affect in the longer run

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To solve a problem means to know its possible outcomes, and if you guess that from your comfort zone, there’s no way you could win the Grammy at problem solving! Thinking bigger and with an open mindset is what you should follow and preach. Never, never judge a situation based on the present circumstances only. Know at length, and try to find out more and more of a situation!

So, problem solving is an art, and even if it does not seem so, but problem solving is one of the hardest tasks you typically do while being at work. Be the problem solver, it’s a thankless job!