This Is The Best Time To Schedule Your Job Interview

Schedule your job meeting during these hours to get the most out of your interview

This is the best time to schedule your job interview

If you are looking for a new job, whether it is a first job or a change from what you are doing, the time at which your meeting is scheduled can make a lot of difference.

As important as it is for you, the meeting is also important for your recruiter.

In many cases, especially if you are going to a big name, it is likely that your recruiter has multiple interviews lined up for the entire day.

So, if you are in a position to choose the time of the day for when you would like to set up the meeting, ask for a morning meet, preferably for the earliest slot in the morning.

Why a morning interview can increase your chances of getting the job

Stress levels are lesser

This is the time when your, as well as your recruiter’s stress levels will be much lesser as compared to the second half of the day. By the later part of the day, your recruiter will be meeting more potential candidates, and that could have a significant impact on their mood and temperament.

Morning slot will be comparatively less stressed, and both of you will be in a fresher and more positive approach
Morning slot will be comparatively less stressed, and both of you will be in a fresher and more positive approach

Image Credit: Movie – The Devil Wears Prada

Less distractions

As the day progresses, your recruiter’s schedule will be full of meetings and other deadlines and tasks to accomplish, and this can be extremely distracting. It is also a time when they may have to get on unavoidable calls or tend to emails that cannot be pushed back. The first half is also comparatively more energetic as compared to the second half, especially at work, when people tend to feel lazy and a little less inspired to get on with the remaining work day.

Great way to create a professional and personal rapport

A morning meeting over a cup of coffee could be a great way for both to understand the person and the expectations at work
A morning meeting over a cup of coffee could be a great way for both to understand the person and the expectations at work

Image Credit: Movie – The Wolf of Wall Street

Of course there are certain rules to keep in mind here, when it comes to treading the line between professional and personal. But sometimes, it’s good to know your potential boss as a real, live human being than just a figure you listen to, and the same goes for them too. It is nice to know and understand a bit more about the person you are going to work with. A morning meeting could help you both sit over a cup of coffee and discuss work and roles in a more relaxed and conversational way, than in a purely conventional way.

Gives you time to attend to your other job

This is very important if you are already working. Having your interview in the morning means that you will have the rest of the day free to head back to your current job, without missing work and still doing what is required of you.

If you do schedule a morning meeting, try and head out well in time so that you do not get caught in traffic and are on time for the interview. It is better to reach early than late, and the latter could leave a very bad impression in your recruiter’s mind.

Read Also: 5 Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview