This Is What It Means If Your Date Doesn’t Offer To Pay

Do I ask them to pay or do I just say goodbye?

This Is What It Means If Your Date Doesn’t Offer To Pay
Image Credit: beattractive

Whether this is your first date, or whether you both have been out on a few dates now, do you know if only one of you needs to pay or if you should share the bill?

If your date has not offered to pay at any time, and if you are the one who is taking care of the cheque, you may need to stop and think a bit on it.

It’s The Budget Baby

It’s possible that your date is on a budget (many young adults are!) and spending on a date with you is not really the priority on the spending list right now. If your date is someone who loves to party and is always dressed in fashionable clothes and accessories, you may have to fill in by paying for the dates.

No, It’s Just Not Clicking

Your date may not offer to pay if they feel it’s not going as per what they expected. Also, if you somehow offended or ignored them, or seemed bored, or basically did not really give them the attention they were looking for, you may have to do the money talk yourself.

You’re The Guy And She Feels Only You Should Pay

Your date may feel you should pay, since you’re the guy
Your date may feel you should pay, since you’re the guy

Image Credit: psychologytoday

The reason a lot of young women still do not offer to pay is that they really believe it is the guy’s job to pay for the girl when they are out together. While things have changed now and millennials are taking equal responsibilities, even when it comes to taking care of the finances, some women love for the guy to pay for them.

They Are Not Planning To See You Again

This could be a clear sign that there’s gonna be no love lost here. And yes, also a sign that your date has no intentions of meeting you again. What did you do?

There’s no right or wrong and no clear rules on who should pay for the date. But if you notice this happening repeatedly, maybe it’s time to take a look at what could be the reason, and get straight about it, if it’s really bothering you.