5 Spices To Spice Up Your Sex Drive

What to eat to boost your sex drive!

5 Spices To Spice Up Your Sex Drive

If you haven’t been too regular in the kitchen yet, chances are, reading this article will make you want to do a quick tour of your spice rack.

Yes, you read that right. Did you know that your very own kitchen has the key to boost sex drive and make way for some amazing between the sheet moments (or do away with the sheets if you may, as long as you get what we’re saying!)?

So without wasting any more time, let’s satiate your curiosity.

5 spices to spice up your sex life!

1. Fenugreek seeds

(Image credits: reemasdietwellnessclinic)

It tastes horrible honestly, but yes, fenugreek or methi seeds can really heat up your nights (or day or afternoon or evening, whatever you please!) by increasing your testosterone levels. While you can grind this to a powder or add it to your foods, another easy way to have it is to soak it overnight in a glass of water and drink in the morning. Also, helps in weight loss.

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2. Cloves

(Image credits: mindbodygreen)

Did you know that this tiny black thing that mainly goes in the garam masala has the power to heat you up from inside and boost up your energy levels? Cloves contain the pheromone that improves your mood and sexual drive. Adding cloves to your curries and even foods such as masala oats or others is an easy way to have it regularly. If nothing else, pop a few in your mouth, suck on and enjoy the benefits (hold on to your horses, we meant the cloves!).

3. Cardamom

(Image credits: foodandstyle)

Here is another sweet smelling spice that also acts as a breath freshener and will be good to bring your partner closer. Cardamom contains cineole which immediately increases the flow of blood to the sexual regions of your body. It also has detoxifying properties and will boost your desire and libido.

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4. Cinnamon

(Image credits: well-beingsecrets)

This sweet smelling spice is also easily found in most Indian kitchens, and its effect on your sexual drive and overall health are far too many. Cinnamon can help improve sex drive and libido in men and women. Cinnamon helps people with erectile dysfunction and can improve sexual drive.

5. Fennel seeds

(Image credits: juicing-for-health)

Fennel seeds or saunf contain saponins that are known to increase the production of testosterone, which is the male sexual hormone. Regularly taking fennel seeds will improve libido in men and improve sex drive.”

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Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.