The Less Known Side Of Spirulina

1tbsp of spirulina powder has amazing impacts that you should know.

The Less Known Side Of Spirulina
Image Credit: A Hint Of Life

You may have noticed that people consume spirulina supplements for better health in recent times. Have you ever wondered why this form of cyanobacterium has gained sudden recognition? Is it really healthy? Let’s analyze the less known side of spirulina in this post.

Spirulina – The Luxury Superfood

One spoon of powder can give you all the essential nutrients.
One spoon of powder can give you all the essential nutrients.

Image Credit: Selfhacked

The reason spirulina is called a superfood is due to its amazing nutritional profile. In just 7gms of dried spirulina, you get about 20 calories, fat, carbohydrate, potassium, sodium, vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorous and magnesium. For a malnutrition body, the nutritional profile of spirulina can totally boost the health properties. Thiamin, folate, niacin, vitamins K, A and B-6 content in spirulina are just sufficient to let a person stay nourished.

Spirulina – The Only Antitoxic Element

Worried about drinking contaminated water? Drink some spirulina water and stay free from contamination.
Worried about drinking contaminated water? Drink some spirulina water and stay free from contamination.

Image Credit: Style Craze

Right from the drinking water to the food we eat, contamination is everywhere. We have not come across a solid remedy to treat this pollution happening to our body. However, we can no more complain of a remedy absence as spirulina has incredible antitoxic properties that can treat the effects of mercury, lead, fluoride, arsenic, and iron.

Spirulina Enriches Mental Health

Feeling depressed frequently? Munch a tablet and feel stress-free.
Feeling depressed frequently? Munch a tablet and feel stress-free.

Image Credit: Medical News Today

So, if you are the one who is already consuming antidepressants and other tablets to treat your mental health, it is time to keep them away and opt spirulina. Being a source of tryptophan which is an amino acid, consuming spirulina can ensure the production of happy hormones – serotonin. Irrespective of the chronic nature of your mental health, spirulina does offer benefits and recovery in due course of time.

Spirulina Treats HIV Naturally

Believe it or not, people who have acquired HIV/AIDS can be treated naturally with spirulina in hand. The low rates of HIV in Japan and Korea have informed that algae consumption, especially spirulina, has boosted their energies and controlled the negative impacts of HIV.

Is that all? This superfood has the ability to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, stroke, eliminate sinus and enhance the neurological system.

For a healthy living ahead, grab a tablespoon of spirulina powder daily!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.