EXCLUSIVE: Remo D’Souza Clarifies What He Had Actually Said About Race 3

Remo Says There Is No Way He Would Blame Salman Khan Who Has Given Him The Biggest Break Of His Life!

EXCLUSIVE: Remo D'Souza Clarifies What He Had Actually Said About Race 3
Image Credit: ibtimes

Choreographer-filmmaker Remo D’Souza has been in the news lately for a controversy that has been doing the rounds about the biggest superstar in Bollywood; Salman Khan being livid about some comments that Remo was said to have made at a press conference. Some reported that Remo has rubbed Salman the wrong way by making the comments on Race 3 debacle.

However, HotFridayTalks.com wanted to know whether all that was being said and written about both Salman and Remo was actually true, so we decided to hear it right from the horse’s mouth. In an exclusive interview with HotFridayTalks.com at his spacious office, Remo cleared the air and told us exactly what had been said and what some of the people from the media had eventually conveyed to the public.

Here Goes:

Remo who is very hurt with all that has been written says,“People asked me what happened in Race 3, I never mentioned anything about Salman interfering, he never interfered at all. That whole interview was projected wrongly, I don’t know why they did that.I am so hurt by it all. These group of journalists had come to the Dance Plus press conference, they asked me questions and they made something else of that interview. Which is sad that some people do that just to run their articles etc. I realised that what they had shown in the movie Sanju about those headlines with a question mark is absolutely true.”

Remo does not deny speaking to the journalists and goes on to explain to us what was asked to him and what he had said to the journalists, “The only two things I did say when they asked me, what I had learned from Race 3 was that there were two things I had learned; One is not to start shooting a film if your script is not ready. The second is to learn to put your foot down for certain things or places when it comes to agreeing with the producer but that is only about the production part. I did not say about putting your foot down where actors are concerned at all. But as a director, I felt I should have insisted more about certain things I wanted maybe for a scene and that was my fault that I did not. Another thing they asked me was my views about all the trolls after Race 3, for which I said that since I am human I did feel bad about it. That’s all that was said and they made a different story out of it.”

Remo says that both he and Salman are not bothered about such baseless controversies
Remo says that both he and Salman are not bothered about such baseless controversies

Image Credit: Twitter

While the earlier two prequels were directed by Abbas Mastan, Remo was roped in to direct the third installment of the film. “The script was written by Shiraz Ahmed 2 years back and Salman too had heard the script 2 years back. I was brought into the project as a director just a month before the shoot happened. This was neither my script or Salman sir’s script. It was Shiraz and Ramesh Taurani’s film, we just got in a month before the shoot. Both Salman sir and I know all this controversy is nothing but rubbish. I also read that Salman sir is not doing Race 4 when there are no talks about Race 4 right now!” explained Remo.

Remo who is very close to Salman and has huge respect for the actor said, “Salman sir and I spoke just last night for almost an hour and it had nothing to do about this made up controversy but we spoke about a lot of other things. He does not care about such controversies but having said that, it does affect me. I am not diplomatic or don’t know how to twist my words and be politically correct. I speak when I am asked something without weighing my words and if people make a completely wrong meaning out of what one says, then people will be scared to talk at all! I really respect Salman sir, he is the most important person in my life as he’s given me the biggest break of my life. He always stands by me and keeps calling me to find out how I am doing.Things are absolutely fine, like the way it has always been with him.”

Currently, Remo is gearing up now for his next film with Katrina Kaif and Varun Dhawan for which he plans to start shooting in January 2019. The film will be shot in London and he is looking forward to it he says.

All’s well, that ends well!