A Sneak Peak Into Priyanka Chopra’s Little Black Book Of Beauty Secrets

Happy Birthday Priyanka Chopra!


Priyanka Chopra is the new dark horse and her rise to fame makes a very fascinating study. It is pretty much confirmed by now that she is indeed blessed with superpowers. Nothing explains how else she performs the way she does on screen and does it while looking like the way she does. What exactly is the secret behind all of that? Well, worry no more. Priyanka Chopra’s Little Black Book is here to save you all. Her LBB is even better than all the LBDs combined. This book of wisdom is replete with fashion tips and mantras. Well, PeeCee, who turns 36 today (18th July, 2018), definitely takes her fashion outlooks very seriously. And so should you!

When you were sitting in your history classes with drooling eye lids little did you think that books could be this interesting. Released as a series of episodes, the Little Black Book by Priyanka documents her ideas on style fashion and beauty which will from now on be every girl’s best friend. Her most essential advice for skin care to young women would be your mom knows best! So when she is imparting home based natural or otherwise skincare solutions, you better listen to her.

Priyanka is all for DIY face masks, lip plumper and coconut oil made from organic substances to remove makeup. She has lots of secret ingredients when it comes to DIY products so you better keep an eye on those episodes in case you miss out anything. She has important tips for your hair as well as make up.

For fashion, according to the queen, if you are going out make sure you don’t look like a homeless person who hasn’t slept in days. And do you know what the best part of your attire is? Your shoes! Duh. They follow you everywhere after all. Even if you put on a shabby dress, your shoes will make all the difference. So go rock that pair of stilettos girl! Don’t forget, fashion is a private affair. What you make your own, the world will embrace with open arms. Even if it doesn’t, you’d have carved out your very own niche. We are talking Alexander McQueen stuff ladies!

The one video that however steals the show is the one where she addresses issues of self-doubt and how to conquer it. She brings out a problem out in the open: that of the overwhelming need to use a beauty app. As Priyanka reminds us, it’s important to do away with stigmas, women. You are under no obligation to have flawless skin. You are human, not a Michelangelo painting. And the best part this, this assurance comes from the diva, who has shot the video without any makeup or hairdo, to show us, even divas have imperfections.

So, here’s a big hearty thank you dear Piggy Chops for your endeavors to help women realize how beautiful they already are as a species! Here’s wishing Priyanka Chopra a very happy and gorgeous birthday!