‘Coz She Has Guts Besides A Vagina Re And That’s Why She’s Kangana Re

Kangana Ranaut asks “Brave hona kab mardani hua re?”


You can love her or you can hate her but she’s not really bothered coz she’s not just got a ‘vagina re’ but also a lot of guts re! She’s someone every young middle-class Indian girl aspires to be but doesn’t really have the courage to. Outspoken, it’s as if she’s always thinking out loud, people love to hate her or hate to love her. In true brave ‘pahadi’ spirit she’s done what none of the other heroines have done; spoken out loud about what the film industry is like for the female actors especially. Don’t get me wrong I am not siding with anybody or neither do I belong to any filmy camp BUT am definitely applauding her courage!

In a recent video that she shot as a promotion with AIB, Kangana proves that you can take someone’s case in a fun sing-song manner. Her song that goes “ ‘coz I have a vagina re’ is sung to the tune of ‘chittiyan kalaaiyan re’ and I haven’t laughed as hard as I did while watching it! The song has caught everyone’s attention because the smart woman that she is, she knew exactly how to to do that. I am sure it caught the attention of the ones it’s intended for too even though they might hate to admit it did.

In the short catchy song, Kangana talks about everything from heroes who do coke and drugs to women being objectified, heroes wanting to romance girls more than half their age ( read: their daughter’s age!) and even calls them pedophiles, how heroines are replaceable etc. It’s not like these facts were unknown before Kangana happened, the point is, nobody had the courage to speak about it before her.

The fact that she’s very confident in her skin is what gives her the courage to speak out. In a recent interview, she even stated that she’s not really bothered whether she will get work or if anyone will want to work with her. She is content as she has achieved what she wanted, built a home for herself and her family and has earned fame and respect as an actor. Like I’ve stated earlier too, Kangana doesn’t really need a hero in her films to draw fans to the theatres she is her own hero. Though her films are proof enough, I’d suggest you to watch the song if you haven’t yet watched it to understand why I say so: