Here’s Why Armaan Malik Is The Most Popular And Most Loved Youth Icon

Armaan hai hero sabka!


There is a lot more to Armaan Malik than his singing. As a singer, he is one of the most talented ones in our country we all know that right? He has the biggest number of fans online as well as offline not only in India but all over the world. Girls swear by him and want to date someone like him.

So what is it that makes Armaan one of the most loved among the youth? Well,it’s not very difficult to figure that out! It’s just Armaan’s humble nature and also the way he treats his fans. Just recently when Armaan was approached by Maanavi Singh, a young 14 year old fan to come to her school for the Razzmatazz event in her school and give a talk about Cyber Bullying, Armaan readily obliged despite a very busy schedule. He even went to the extent of rescheduling his travel to Delhi, just to talk to the young ones. Armaan who has earlier been on a panel with Priyanka Chopra speaking about the same issue, thinks it’s very important to make children aware of being safe on the internet and also about how to handle cyber bullying.

Armaan Malik talks to the youngsters at City International school about Cyber Bullying

He told the youngsters at City International School about how he was bullied as a child too. He said, “As a child I was a little more on the fatter side and people would make fun of me, I did feel bad then but you know what it really doesn’t matter what people say, don’t let such comments pull you down. All of it is irrelevant you will realise it as you grow.” He also added that people write hurtful things sometimes on the internet but we should not let that affect us.

14 year old Mansha Sainani who was listening to Armaan’s talk, said that the talk was very inspiring and she learnt that one should not be bothered about what these bullies write about them on the net because each one of us are unique and special in our own ways.

Armaan makes the whole talk about Cyberbullying fun for the youngsters

Maanavi said, “I think his talk was very enlightening about the things that happen online. There are all kinds of people on the internet and there are all kinds of mean things that people say and write on social media. Those people are nothing but mean so we really should not be bothered and care about them like Armaan said.”

Another youngster from the school, Aryan Jogina said that what he came back learning was that it’s not right to judge someone by the way they look or their shape and size. “I learnt that it’s not correct to judge others and if you are being body shamed then don’t bother much about it because it’s irrelevant.”

Aaliya Bukhary and Zene D’Souza both said that they learnt about how one should love oneself and pay less attention to what bullies write about you on the internet or otherwise.

Armaan encourages the young ones to sing on stage

Armaan might have spent just a few minutes with the kids at the school but looks like he left a huge positive impact on these impressional minds. That’s not all, he even sang a line from his song “ Ke Main Hoon Hero Tera”, and encouraged the kids to come on stage and sing with him, posed for photographs with all the children and visited the stalls that were put up in the school as a fundraiser. He encouraged Maanavi who runs her own charity organisation to keep doing the good work she is doing and he shared that he too likes to give back to society. He said, “ I’ve recently started going around distributing food to the poor and needy every week along with my dad. One day I just felt the need to do something for the less fortunate and to give back to society so I shared the thought with my dad and that’s when we started giving food every week.”

Ms. Mobina Quadir who is the senior coordinator and one of the senior teachers at City International School said, “Armaan is the perfect youth icon, youngsters love him and this message about cyber bullying coming from him made a lot of difference to the kids of that age, it made a huge impact. Also the fact that he took out time from his busy schedule to spread this message is commendable. If more young celebrities would join in spreading this message and making the youth aware about such issues, it would make a whole lot of difference. We were very happy to have him come to our school.”

Armaan Malik takes a fun selfie with Ms. Mobina Quadir,,Maanavi and her friends from City International School

It’s encouraging and heartwarming to see how young celebrities like Armaan think spreading awareness about important issues among the youth is as important as their work. No wonder then his fans say “Ke Armaan Hai Hero Mera!”

We hope more celebrities learn a thing or two from him!