Kangana Ranaut – The Controversy Queen Of Bollywood And Beyond!

Controversy’s favorite child – Kangana Ranaut

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If there is one thing the Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been linked with it has to be rumors and controversies. From the time that she has entered Bollywood, she has not only been highly opinionated but also very independent as a person within this huge film industry.

Manikarnika, the film on Rani Jhansi that Kangana Ranaut grabbed under the direction of Krish has been under headlines from the very beginning for its release date having clashed with Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30. Now, with Sonu Sood walking out of the film, after just 20 days of shooting, Krish the director has walked out too and is getting busy with other projects! Kangana is now been promoted as the director by the producers of her film along with being the lead because the whole controversy started with her not wanting to follow the script in the first place!

Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan’s controversy was one of the nastiest in Bollywood

Image Credit: Movie – Krrish 3

The spiced news of the clashing of release date between Hrithik Roshan’s film Super 30 and Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika did not arrive out of thin air. This has been a result of the longest battle between the two who were alleged to be ‘dating’. The rumors have been unending about how Hrithik has denied this affair while Kangana has not only charged him with the same but also confirmed him as the ‘silly ex’! After slapping each other with legal notices in the year 2016, there seemed to have been no stop to the public drama that has adorned the lives of these two. From dating rumors to being dropped off from a film, Kangana has spilled every bean possible publicly only to keep making Hrithik angrier.

Kangana has been said to have a sad history regarding love! And with the open secret of married man Aditya Pancholi and Kangana Ranaut dating while she was still waiting for her big break in Bollywood only proves that even more. Kangana went on to say that she was constantly abused and beaten up by the man while they were together in a relationship. The way Kangana blurted her life stories of being kept under house arrest by her then-boyfriend Pancholi was more shocking than surprising a news. Of course, Pancholi denied all allegations but Ranaut did not take even a step back to claim that on going to the police with these allegations she was driven away after being called ‘a mad girl’!

Kangana had been badly defamed by her former love interest Adhyayan Suman and his family

Image Credit: Indiatimes

Shekhar Suman’s son, Adhyayan was Kangana’s former flame who came into the Hrithik and Kangana controversy soon after it began, to add fuel to fire. Parents of this former flame went on to say that Kangana had done black magic on their son to hypnotize him into loving her. They have gone on record to narrate a number of bizarre incidents of Kangana trying to gain control over their son, during their yearlong courtship period. The unfortunate luck of Kangana and her relationships seems to be never-ending and new words come out every now and then for the gossipers to cherish.

Controversies have not only been about her affairs but she was linked with Paris Hilton’s brand as well! Kangana Ranaut’s spokesperson claimed that the Bollywood actress was approached by the Hilton brand to be the face for the brand in India. Kangana also went forward to claim that she was introduced by Adhyayan to Hilton who was his friend. Hilton as a reply snapped back and was extremely miffed the actress for trying to gain cheap popularity by throwing around such rumours about her brand. Paris said that she did not even remember meeting Kangana in her life, let alone approaching her to be the face for her brand!

Kangana had accused Karan Johar of Nepotism and male chauvinism

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The Nepotism debate was only a cherry on an otherwise multi-flavoured cake for Kangana. In Karan Johar’s talk show, ‘Koffee with Karan’, Kangana made a comment on Karan Johar and his support for nepotism within the Bollywood industry. This fueled a lot of other controversies and the statement offended Karan to a great extent. This controversy also resulted in a lot of side-taking by actors within the industry which only made it worse!

Kangana’s controversial remarks on cow slaughter landed her amidst the public fury

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The cow slaughter statements of her were worse. She received immense hatred for her statement on lynching while having an interview with Sadhguru. Saying that she wants to rescue animals (read, cow) and she feels extremely bad when lynching happens. Her controversial stand on saving the cow and then saying all religions are equal and shall be ‘protected’ landed her in utmost trouble!

Hence Kangana can never really be expected away from news and rumours, can she?