Katrina Says “Be Like Salman Khan!” Here’s Why

Want to know what Katrina's biggest fear is?


If you’ve watched her recently in Husn Parcham, the new song from Zero, you’ll see that Katrina Kaif has gone all out and let her hair loose for her role as Babita in the film. She not only looks stunning in the song but she seems to be so much at ease and absolutely enjoying the song and the dance.

Even during the interview of the film, Katrina was very much herself and at ease discussing things that are close to her heart and things that matter to her and don’t matter as well! Take a look

About Babita, her character in Zero
“I am not at all like this character. The fact that Babita is an actress is very incidental, but what is beautiful about the character is that outside as an actress has everything going for her, success, money, love of millions of people but when you come into her world as Baua an outsider, he sees that she is not at all as expected and she is going through a rough time in her world and not very happy, she is in-fact, very insecure and in a lot of pain and angst. Her journey is how she has to find herself and pick herself up. She needs to find her strength back. She and Bauua have an unlikely connection, they probably strike a connection because she feels she is not being judged. She can say anything she wants to, he gives her a different perspective.”

On how much she is similar in real life to Babita
“Initially I did think there would be some similarities but there is no similarity as Anand sir depicts his characters in a different way. The character is nothing like me.Cinema and real life is very different, what happens in real life sometimes is not nice to see on screen, it’s a little boring. It doesn’t spark a feeling with us.Reel life is portraying a feeling the audience relates to, how you get that feeling that’s the director’s skill, that’s what makes a good director. Anand sir was very clear that Babita’s character does not want pity, she’s not someone who will sit quietly in the corner, she’s generally behaving in an obnoxious manner so that she doesn’t have to deal with her own feelings and face her reality.I liked the fact how she faced everything head on.I am very much unlike her I am completely opposite. I don’t like to confront people, if someone makes me feel uncomfortable or I don’t like someone I’ll stay far far away from them but I will never confront them.”

Katrina Kaif plays a super star in her film Zero

On being constantly hounded by the media
“I don’t blame the media, this is the way the media is. it’s the nature of their job, if they don’t do that, someone else will. The question is for the celebrity who is being photographed all the time and followed all the time, how much are you going to let that become a prison for you, how much are you going to get affected by what is said and written? For example, though maybe not the best example, Salman does not give attention to all that is said and written about him. He does not care what he looks like, how he’s dressed, what people say, he’s living his life the way he wants to. Having said that, I am not saying that’s the way to live your life, all I mean to say is that you should not let whatever is written and said about you affect your life. One should have the positive attitude and interact with their fans, give their fans love, share their pictures, share information about their daily life, like he does. One should not get bogged down by all the judgement and comments on Twitter and Instagram etc. The point is to just share and don’t get affected by what is written, that to me is the correct way to operate.”

“As for me if I have to go out for a casual coffee with my friends I’ll think twice about how I am dressed.I’ll think maybe someone will click my photographs and what if I am not dressed properly, my hair is not right etc. That’s something I realized that I have become conscious of.You should just let it be, some days you’re gonna look great but some days maybe you’re not. It’s ok let people comment, let’s not change.”

On the need/necessity to be in touch with fans on social media
“Being constantly in touch with fans on social media depends on every individual. I feel that your interaction should be limited or restricted to what you organically feel and I try to do that. If I’m on a shoot , say on Bharat for 20-25 days, you might not see any post from me, because my mindset is not in that zone. My work is what I do when I come into the cinema, I believe that, and everything else is something that we need to do in that periphery but that is what has to matter.”

Katrina is often criticised for only adding glamour to a film

On being stereotyped
“I hope my role as Babita takes a full step away from what people have seen me do. This is a role that is very different. From this part of my journey, I feel what I need to do for myself most importantly to be happy to be satisfied and to keep my audience with me and to give something unexpected.That doesn’t mean I do any kind of strange role, it has to be a film I would want to watch myself. For example I don’t like watching horror films so I can’t see myself do a horror film! But what I would like to do is something very mythical, fantastical something like the Game Of Thrones, Lord Of The Rings. We have a lot of great characters in our Indian mythology too.”

On her fears as a star
“My fears are not necessarily stardom based. Yes of course things like whether your film will be successful or not, or when will the audience not be interested in watching me anymore do cross your mind. But then again it could be, it may happen or it may not happen, I really don’t know. But for me personally the fear is where do I go from here in my own life, what are the places where you feel calm, you feel happy and at peace with yourself. After a while all these are the thoughts that cross your mind, things like what is really giving you happiness. All said and done you have to take it in the right way and fight those battles with yourself.”

On the insecurities of so many new actors being launched
“Earlier that was something that did bother me but not anymore. That’s a phase I have gone through but that is not really relevant to me because I have my own space and chances and opportunities. So the only thing that matters is what I do in these opportunities. It doesn’t really matter what the next person is doing, I think everyone’s doing a good job and the new girls are fantastic, some of them I have seen when they were little and I want them to do well but then again it’s nothing to do with me. I have my space and they have theirs.There is so much space for everyone.”

Katrina says she doesn’t let anything affect her anymore

On her most favorite role and the one role she would like to forget
“I don’t think there is anything I would want to take away.I feel I gave my best to every film I did and also the past is in the past we can’t do much about it. The two characters I really enjoyed is the one in Rajneeti and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara.”

On critics pulling her down time and again and criticizing her acting skills
“It’s been so many years now, so I have a very pleasant relationship with it. I feel it’s ok let them write what they want. Earlier yes I agree, I would panic and say Oh! God! My career is over, what do I do? But now I am cooler and I’m like Oh! Ok is that what they’ve written? That’s the difference. Maybe someday they will write something nice about me! (LAUGHS). My job is to try and I will keep trying as long as the audience is there with me, it’s my job to try, but I can’t predict the outcome.”

We’re sure the outcome of her role as Babita in Zero, will be great! Here’s wishing Katrina all the best!