2018 Showed Us Endless Dog-Human Love Stories. But What’s The Science Behind Why Humans Love Dogs?

You might be one of those who prefer the company of dogs over humans. But did you know that there're scientific reasons behind that love?

2018 Showed Us Endless Dog-Human Love Stories. But What’s The Science Behind Why Humans Love Dogs?
Image Credit: Pexels

A lot of us Homo sapiens love our four-legged buddies more than anyone else (Human or not). It is extremely common and not as irrational as one may think. A recent scientific study has confirmed this along with the ‘whys’ of the statement.

The Man-Dog Love Goes Back Centuries

You know how much you love taking your dog for a walk!
You know how much you love taking your dog for a walk!

Image Credit: Pexels

Well, it’s not carried on today in the same dynamic as before (herding, hunting and eating) but humans have always been closest to dogs more than any other animal in terms of domestication. We as humans have learned to trust dogs with our home, families, and even our lives when it comes to it.

The Eye-Contact

We really value eye contact in a conversation. And Dogs are pro at it
We really value eye contact in a conversation. And Dogs are pro at it

Image Credit: Pexels

Dogs also use the mode of eye-contact for expressing themselves just like Humans do. In fact, a study conducted at Azabu University in Sagamihara, Japan, found that the process of locking your eyes with your dogs generates Oxytocin aka ‘love hormone’.

Growing Up, You’ve Had A Dog

And then there are dogs that outgrow you :P
And then there are dogs that outgrow you 😛

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Growing up we have all had a dog or at least one of our neighbors did. This inculcates a sense of fondness with dogs in all of us. The picture of an ideal family for us has one mom, one dad, sibling(s) and a dog. The idea of a family seems rather incomplete without a dog.

We Understand Dog-Talk And Vice-Versa

Sad Dog. Angry Dog. Waiting-for-a-treat Dog.
Sad Dog. Angry Dog. Waiting-for-a-treat Dog.

Image Credit: Pexels

Yeah, more than we realize, us humans invariably understand when our fellow canines are upset, brooding, angry or feeling playful. We know the difference between the angry bark and the upset growling. Why are dogs special in this case, you ask? That’s because dogs can also understand our language, especially when the speech involves words of praise.

A Scientific Experiment

Children are known to become more sensitive and aware of their emotions when they grow up around a dog friend
Children are known to become more sensitive and aware of their emotions when they grow up around a dog friend

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There was a test in which 240 students were asked to rate on levels of empathy towards 4 types of victims with a broken leg caused by an attack: a human infant, a pup, an adult dog or a 30 year old adult. Surprisingly or not, pup got the most empathy points. An adult dog came third after the human infant leaving the 30-year old adult in the last position. Clearly, they’re called “man’s best friend” for a reason, right?

It Alleviates Mental Health

In simple words, Dogs make us happy. Really happy!
In simple words, Dogs make us happy. Really happy!

Image Credit: Pexels

It is a known and proven fact that dog-parents are less likely to be depressed as compared to people who do not have dogs. Dog-parents are less likely to feel lonely in company of their precious paw-friends. In fact, Dog Therapy is a real deal and there are centers providing such services all around the world.

The Dog-Genes

Dogs are extremely playful and friendly. In fact dogs also adopt a lot from the lifestyle of their human friends
Dogs are extremely playful and friendly. In fact dogs also adopt a lot from the lifestyle of their human friends

Image Credit: Pexels

According to scientific studies, Dogs are inherently hyper-social, friendly and trusting. In simpler words, the ‘act of happily and excitedly greeting their human friend whenever someone enters the house’ is actually because of their genetic makeup.

Now with the knowledge of why you love these lovely creatures so much, maybe you will love them even more? The best part is, they reciprocate and how! <3