5 Hobbies For Book Lovers (Besides Reading)

Perfect hobbies for the reader.


Most book lovers carry a distorted image about themselves. They are not book worms with nothing else on their mind. They too like doing other things that nourish their body and spirit.

The pleasure of a good hobby can become second nature to us. The way the hobby becomes a habit, and the way a good habit can improve your body, soul and mind is an important aspect for a holistic and wholesome life.

Here are few hobbies for the book lovers, other than reading.


Listening to a particular genre of music, learning an instrument or simple collecting old records are all good ways to rejuvenate the mind after a long day at the desk. Most novels have the use of music either as a catalyst or catharsis. Vikram Seth’s An Equal Music is a perfect example of a novel woven around the theme of music. Like we build our imagination with words from a book, you can create music using the notes on an instrument. Hence, music could be a perfect hobby for a reader.


Bool lovers read for the pleasure they get from solace and simplicity. Another source for these pleasures is the quiet and beauty of the nature and wildlife. Hiking through the mountain trails is not very different from reading in the sense, every turn opens a new vista like a new page.


Who knows better composition and colour scheme than a reader, who has imagines a hundred scenes when reading a book. Especially, those reading fiction find it easy to envision a scene, and compose the characters in their mind. At the same time, photography caters to the interests and needs for every kind of reader. Whether it is the wild countryside, urbanscapes or the portrait of ordinary people, camera too creates magic.


The kitchen is another haunt of the calm like the library. While you may find a book and a wine soothing, the same solace can come by cooking for someone you love, or whipping up something new for yourself. Most authors had a special connect with their food. Whether it was Ernest Hemingway and his wine, food too is a special art and requires nuances that only the quaint can understand.


What is a painting, other than a story on canvas? It is a relief in the form of catharsis to a mind that has been occupied with feeding information from a book. It can be a vent for the cup that is too full. Painting is an evolved art, but simple doodles on the margins of a book are the identifiers for most readers.

So, take up one of these beautiful habits the next time you keep down a book.