After Six Goals, It Was An Umbrella That Walked The Ramp At FIFA Finals

Putin’s Umbrella sent a powerful message to all those present

Image Credit: ndtvimg

Putin, like most Heads of State, has a vainglorious ego, and this ego ballooned into an umbrella, when he was the only one who was protected from rains during the presentation ceremony after the FIFA finals match.

Russia has been congratulated by all participating countries for organising the FIFA 2018 so well. The games were conducted smoothly. But when it started pouring during the post- match formalities, it seems they could arrange only one umbrella to protect their own President. French President Emmanuel Macron’s suit turned a darker shade of grey as it got wet. And the Croatian leader Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and FIFA boss Gianni Infantino continued unbothered by the downpour. And amidst all this sporty comradery, Putin stood out by the margin of one huge umbrella.

But the awkwardness must have been glaring as eventually few other umbrellas were discovered, and covered the already drenched important heads on the field. Putin is known to play diplomatic games, and many read power play signs into this sequential appearance of umbrellas.

Imagine something similar happening in India, if Modi were to sport an umbrella while Sonia Gandhi is getting wet. Right from communalists to feminists would start candle marches. But thankfully, the dignitaries at the match let it pass with a smile. Even Kolinda Grabar-Kitrovic did not seem offended when a woman was allowed to get drenched and a male counterpart took to safety. Guess, chauvinism leaves the floor when you are on a field.

People did not seem expect this high political drama after a trilling match, where France took home the cup for the second time, a small country like Croatia put up a worthy battle, and second highest final’s goals were scored. After the nail biting and high adrenaline finish, the umbrella politics was really hilarious. Who would think that Mother Russia would not have enough umbrellas to go around?

Ultimately, the French take the cup home, the Crotians win hearts, and Russia shows who is the boss. And the weapon is an umbrella.