Are there any benefits of friends without benefits?

Is that even a correct question?

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Okay, I know what you are thinking. You are probably wondering, “What does Friends without benefits even mean?” You are? Aren’t you? Oh, it is the exact opposite of friends with benefits. A friendship is called “Friends with benefits” when there is a no-strings-attached sexual relationship between two *friends*. Let’s say it is something less than a romantic sex but something more than a casual sex. It is like a convenient compromise two friends enter into for their respective sexual needs. So what’s the opposite of this dynamic? What’s Friends without benefits? Simple! A friendship is called “Friends without benefits” when there are NO sexual activities involved. But that’s just friendship no? No.

The Flirtationships

When you overcome romantic attraction to build a friendship, you cultivate a healthier, more mature, more fulfilling, and a truly long term friendship.

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Flirtationships with a friend are fairly normal. But, it is normal as long as it is well intentioned. If you think you are destined to date or have sex with this friend because of these flirtatious exchanges, then you have got it all wrong! A friendship with this sort of dynamic can also remain completely platonic. And why not? At the end of the day, it is all about how YOU choose to build a friendship. In fact, even if you have sexual feelings for your friend, it is not necessary to act on them. Sometimes, you can just fight those feelings for your friendship and move on. A friendship can truly flower and become deeper only when there are no romantic or sexual expectations involved. You will get to know each other better and share a relationship that is truly unique and precious.

Sex always involves emotional attachment

If you think you can pull off a no strings attached sexual relationship, you are only fooling yourselves and each other. Wherever there is a sexual encounter, there’s almost always going to be an emotional attachment. So, do not let yourself be fooled by this facade. If you are choosing to walk on this path, it is going to be an emotional journey. You will feel things for each other. It is not just going to be about benefits but a whole lot more than that. On the other hand, friends without benefits are the most chill friends you can ever imagine. There’re no expectations. There are no favours. You are just two souls cruising through your respective lives and sometimes you like to travel together. How is that for friendship?

The irony is that “friends without benefits” is actually FULL of benefits.