Are You A YouTube Addict? Now They Will Help You With Your Well-Being

Google plans a feature to show how much time you spent on YouTube.

Are You A YouTube Addict? Now They Will Help You With Your Well-Being
Image Credit: newsserve

Have you ever noticed how much time you spend binge-watching on YouTube? You start with a short video of a cat troubling a dog, and it is only after a couple of hours you realise that you watching an old car chaise. You don’t even remember how you landed there.

For quite some time now, Google CEO Sunder Pichai and other technocrats have been speaking about Digital Wellbeing. Basically, they want to help you balance your online behavior in a way that technology does not hamper your life. It is towards this goal that now YouTube will include a new feature soon.

Google is trying to bring in Digital Wellness across all its products.
Google is trying to bring in Digital Wellness across all its products.

Image Credit: cultofandroid

The idea is that this will allow users to take better control over their viewing behaviour and place limits on their time spent on YouTube by way of other app features that remind you to take a break.

The “Time Watched” feature will inform YouTube users how much they have watched today, yesterday, and over the past 7 days.When the feature arrives, you can visit your profile in the account menu to see your stats, including time watched over various time frames, as well as your Daily Average. This information is calculated based on your YouTube watch history.

The profile also gathers together several helpful tools if you want to curtail your video habit. You can choose how much time to devote to a YouTube session and set up a reminder to take a break when your limit is reached. You can also disable autoplay videos so you don’t get hooked watching the next one that pops up.

For Android users, Google is also introducing a dashboard which breaks down how you spend your day on your phone. How many times you unlocked your phone and how many notifications you got? Based on this, you can choose to forcibly limit how much time you spend in apps with a timer which locks you out of the app when you reach your limit.

It is indeed a sad irony that tech companies have to remind us to temper our use of technology. But hopefully, this will better help to save us from modern addictions. For instance, a 15-year-old boy needed to be taken to a de-addiction center for missing school over PUBG.

So, if you feel you need help controlling yourself on YouTube, Google comes to your rescue.