The Cultural Splendour Of Chandrabhaga Fair In Rajasthan

The idyll village Jalrapatan turns into a cultural feast on the day of Chandrabhaga Fair


Every year, on the eve of Kartik Purnima (full moon day), the village of Jalrapatan, on the banks of Chandrabhaga river turns into a site of cultural splendour. A cattle fair is held here, equivalent to the Pushkar Camel Fair of Rajasthan.

Traders from distant areas like Maharasthra and Madhya Pradesh gather here. One is taken back in time as it becomes an occasion that marks the amalgamation of religion and commerce. On one hand, you can find the rituals being performed, while on the other hand you will find a cattle fair is being organized. In fact the cattle fair is merged with the celebrations.

The ancient city of Jhalrapatan has an exceptionally large number of temples. It is also referred to as ‘the City of Bells’. Amongst the old temples, about four or five still remain and the most famous amongst them is the Sitalesvara Mahadeva Temple.

Thousands of pilgrims take a holy dip in the river Chadrabhaga which nourishes this region. It is considered a holy place by the people residing in this region, which is known as Chandravati. All the rivers in India have mythological origins, and it is said that a dip in the holy water cleanses the soul of sins. Hindus believe that the body dies, but the soul or atman continues on its journey and the person is reborn in another life. The sins and virtues of this life affect your next life. By taking a dip in the holy water, you cleanse your sins and are purified by its sanctity.

Chandrabhaga is another reminder that India is a perfect synthesis of the ancient and modern.