Did You Think Fairy Tales Never Come True? Read This!

Meet the youngest queen of the world, united by love

Image Credit: Instagram (Jetsun Pema)

We grow up on fairy tales. We love to hear how once upon a time, the Prince came and won the heart of the young villager and they lived “happily ever after”. However, as we mature with age, and as we come more face to face with life, our beliefs are shaped and hardened that there is never going to be a prince or a princess or a fairy tale love story should be confined to the pages of a book because that does not happen in the world of Tinder.

While we were almost going to come to terms with that wave of reality, we have again been proved wrong, and has strengthened our belief in the existence of fairy tale like love stories. Jetsun Pema and Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk of Bhutan have shown us that true love will find its way, no matter what.

The fairy tale, in a nutshell, goes like, once upon a time, there was a young girl in Bhutan named Jetsun Pema. She went for a picnic when she was seven years old. There she came across a young boy of 17 years and was immediately charmed by him. Without the least bit of hesitation, young Jetsun professed her heartfelt love for the young Prince. Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel promised Jetsun that when she grew up if they both felt the same way about each other, they would tie the knot.

This was not a promise made in childhood and forgotten in youth. Though little Jetsun would often suffer from bouts of anxiety on hearing things like the Prince would marry someone of royal lineage with great beauty, fate had something else in store for her. Not paying much heed to the news around her, she studied hard, and many years later, she met her Prince Charming, who was then a university student, and there has been no looking back since.

They got married and Jetsun became the youngest Queen of the world. The surprise does not stop there. King Jigme Khesar Namgyel is a true lover. Though his father had four wives, he won’t be following the footsteps of his father. He has said that Jetsun is his one and only, and even though polygamy is practiced in Bhutan, he won’t ever set his eyes upon another woman. They are now parents to a very charming young baby.

This is what a dream come true looks like when a simple young girl in love not only becomes the Queen of a region but also the Queen of the King’s heart.