Divej Mehta Speaks Of His Work With Prison Inmates To Create A Brand For His Family Business

How he convinced the convicted inmates to build a premium product.


Divej Mehta comes from a family that is in footwear industry for 45 years. But when it was his turn to join the business, he took a novel path to make his own mark.

When Divej was doing his management course in Singapore, his father was invited to the Vellore Central Prison to guide the prison authorities on increasing efficiency in producing footwear for government requirements. That’s when Divej got the idea to increase the scope of this business model.

Divej had to take some efforts to break ice with the convicted inmates at Yerawada prison

He says, “I decided to visit the Yerawada prison in Pune to see if there was scope for a successful business model. Initially it took quite some time to break the ice with them. Because of their previous experiences, the inmates did not trust anyone. They had only met people who took advantage of their situation. But after spending some time, and speaking to them, I could convince them that this was a win-win situation. They would get payed, get trained in a skill, and even promised a job after completing their terms. Meanwhile we would get a premium footwear product.”

Divej was inspired by the concept of rehabilitation. All prisons are not able to truly rehabilitate a convict. When they come out, they have nothing to escape the cycle of crime. And that is what Divej wants to stop.

Divej wants to ensure that the rehabilitation is real for these inmates

At the same time, he has amalgamated this concept with creating the brand ‘Inmate’. He says, “In our country, there is nothing that provides comfort and style at the same time in a footwear. And this is the niche that I want to achieve. So, we train the inmates in producing high quality leather footwear.”

Divej wants to build the mindset of a factory worker in each convict. Through group therapy sessions, and other activities, the inmates are being made to see that they will receives wages, skill set and appreciation with this work. Divej hopes that the work with ‘Inmates’ will ensure very low relapse rates into crime for the prisoners, as they are promised direct jobs after being released.

The prisoners are given wages, skills and appreciation for their work, ensuring the relapse rate is very low

Now, his brand creates 200 pairs of footwear every day. He says, “The inmates are kept in the loop of what is happening with the brand. They should also feel a part of the success. There were initial teething issues, like it is in any business model. But now, we are turning into a success model.”

Divej Mehta comes from a background of family business. But he had very little help, as this was a novel setting, and there was no one with experience to guide him. He says, “For me, this was the next step to take the business ahead. Now I hope to create a niche brand, that will mean success for all the players involved.”