Everything You Need To Know About Blackbucks – The Animal That Gained As Much Attention As Salman Khan

The Bishnoi community can lay their lives when it comes to protecting blackbucks

Everything You Need To Know About Blackbucks - The Animal That Gained As Much Attention As Salman Khan

Let’s admit it. Before superstar Salman Khan infamously poached down two unsuspecting blackbucks back in 1998 in Jodhpur, we knew precious little about this endangered species.

But for close to two decades now, ever since the case against Salman Khan and other Bollywood stars present with him during the shooting expedition has been making national headlines, the subject of blackbucks and animal rights inevitably come up too.

So, as the nation waits to hear the sessions court verdict to the stars’ appeal for the suspension to his 5-year conviction, here’s everything you may want to know about the mute victim in the case – the blackbuck

Blackbuck, also known as the Indian antelope is an animal native to the plains of India. While the blackbuck belongs to the tribe of antelopes that include animals such as gazelles and springboks it is characterized by spirally defined male longhorns.

A male blackbuck weighs about 35-40 kilograms. The female blackbuck comes close at about 30-35 kilograms. The animal also interestingly changes colors according to the season and the black males are most colorful towards the end of the monsoon season. The animal goes through an annual shedding of skin phase in midwinter and turns brown towards summers. The animal’s lifespan is between 10-15 years. They are usually found in grassy plains and slightly forested areas.

The Bishnoi community in Jodhpur zealously guards the Blackbuck
The Bishnoi community in Jodhpur zealously guards the Blackbuck

Image Credit: indiawest.comTwitter

In India, hunting of blackbucks is prohibited under Schedule 1 of The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. The antelope today is found mainly in India and has been extinct in Bangladesh. A small population of blackbucks is also being conserved in a national park in Nepal and a few are also found along the Pakistan border. Hunting, deforestation and habitat poaching are the primary causes that led to a sharp decline of the species towards the 20th century.

Blackbucks are known to have cultural significance in Hindu religion as well as Buddhism. According to beliefs, a blackbuck is considered a vehicle of moon or chandrama. It is also considered a symbol of purity and prosperity amongst the local tribes in the region it is found in.

The Bishnoi community in Jodhpur zealously guards the animal as they consider blackbucks to be the reincarnation of their religious Guru –Jambaji or Jambeshwar Bhagwan. While Bishnois are known to be a quiet community they are extremely zealous towards protecting blackbucks going to the extent of sacrificing their lives to save their revered animal. The affiliation with the animal amongst the community towards blackbucks is so profound that if the animals attack the farmed crops, the farmers readily forsake their crops but do not disturb the animals

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