Find Out How Tinder Is Ensuring The Safety Of LGBTQ Users

Dating apps aren’t all that bad after all!

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We all know how critical we get about dating apps. In fact, every once in a while we give up on it. Maybe it is our own frustration or the apps are actually good for nothing, but we have all been there. In order to change our mood and perception, these dating apps keep coming up with new updates and features.

Recently, Tinder came up with a feature that has left us all very impressed. On 24th July, Tinder announced a Traveller Alert feature to help LGBTQ users stay safe in hostile countries. Tinder’s Traveller Alert will warn anyone who identifies as LGBTQ on their platform as soon as they enter a hostile country.

There more than 50 countries in the world with laws that either discriminates against the LGBTQ community or even punishes them. In fact, the Tinder team partnered with the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association and has already identified 69 such countries. You will be surprised to know that in countries like Jamaica, Brunei, and nine others, prosecutors can seek death penalty for someone who engages in consensual same-sex intercourse!! The alert will appear in all these countries.

This Is How It Works

Other dating apps should also start this feature initiated by Tinder.

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When a member of the LGBTQ community opens the Tinder App in of the identified countries, they immediately revive a notification. The application gives them an option to either continue using Tinder or hide themselves on the platform. If the user chooses not to hide and keeps using Tinder, the application does not reveal the user’s sexuality and Gender identity as long as they stay in that area.

The LGBTQ community needs all the support they can get in order to thrive. This newly introduced feature by Tinder has been welcomed with open arms and revived widespread appreciation.

What I Really Like About This Feature

There’s one thing that I really appreciate about this update and it is, giving LGBTQ users the power to choose. The App only sends a warning notification and then allows the user to either continue using the app’s services or simply hide from their platform. This element of “choice” is quite empowering and non-discriminatory. As a user of their services and as an excited traveller, any member of LGBTQ community would want to have that choice.

I hope to live in a world where such Travelling alerts for one section of our society is no more needed. I hope to live in a world where everyone is welcomed everywhere with open arms. I hope to one day see this world as one big Global family.

But until then, stay in love and STAY SAFE!