Finding Inner Peace In This Conflicted World

If you really look for it, you will find it! Here’s how.

Image Credit: Movie - Udaan

Yes, we live in a super noisy and conflicted world. It is so difficult to imagine any form of peace in this world, isn’t it? Leave alone inner peace. But guess what? It is not all that difficult. If there’s one kind of peace that’s strictly under your control, it is the INNER PEACE. And it is in fact very important to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Stick To A Few Old Habits – Like Your Hobbies

It’s even better if you choose a hobby that involves other people.

Image Credit: Web Series – The Reunion

Do not let something that is YOURS, slip away. If you love playing the Guitar, make some time for it. If you love dancing, practice dancing alone or in a group! Just keep doing what you have always loved doing. Do not let the busy schedule and noisy world silence your zest to pursue your hobbies. Life is short and it’s a one-time opportunity, LITERALLY. Why lose it to the daily enslaved schedules. If there’s an old habit or a hobby that makes you happy, brings you peace of mind, then just stick to it. There is always some room to chase a small, personal side hustle.

Try Something New! (Or Creative)

Light up your thought bulb and come up with a brand new idea!

Image Credit: Movie – Tamasha

Life in itself is full of challenges but that doesn’t mean you should stop challenging yourself. Running away from challenges will hamper your growth. You must, every now and then, leave your comfort zone and do something NEW! Trust me, it feels great. Do not try to go big! Take small steps, but make sure they are new ones. Or at least something CREATIVE! Yes. Being creative is like challenging oneself to consider new outcomes. And that challenge needs courage. Creativity takes courage.

Try it!

Accept And Let Go

LET GOOOOOOOOO like never before!

Image Credit: Movie – 3 idiots

One of the most common things that can get in the way of your inner peace is the habit of holding on to something or someone. You must learn to accept things as they are and move the fuck on. The struggle was over way back, now it’s you torturing yourself by your stubborn resistance from letting go. This stubbornness is extremely unhealthy for your mental health. Not only will it block positive energy from entering your life but also keep you attached to the problems you ONCE HAD. Stop living in denial and address your feelings. If you felt bad because of something, let that feeling and thought in. Let it in and also when the time comes, let it go. Do not let that feeling latch on you like some parasite. You are no host to a parasite. You are a fucking garden of sunflowers and roses. Okay?

Now, remember this- You MUST keep watering that Garden. You must clean it. You must let go of the dead and dry leaves. And you must keep smiling and stay green!