How To Finish Reading A Book On A Hectic Day?

Are you so caught up in the world of fiction, that you find the real life a bother? Is that once last chapter more important than the client meeting?


For those who love to read and find solace in books, coming back to real life can be a bother. How often does it happen that you read through the night to finish an interesting book? How often have you cancelled plans with your friends feigning illness when all you want to do is cosy up with a book and coffee?

While you may have the great urge to just spend the day reading, or finish the last few chapters in a book, but the pressing duties in life call your attention, book worms experience a split in personality. One half of their mind is on the book, the other half is battling the jobs of the day.

Here are few tips for such days, to get through a routine work day while attempting to finish reading a book.

One can easily read while brushing teeth, making tea and toasts and having breakfast. It is difficult to read in the shower, but it is possible. On such days, you can book a cab instead of driving or taking the public transport. Cabs are a great place to get some quality reading time, and traffic jams are a Godsend on such days.

In office, download the softcopy of the book and read it while switching tabs with work whenever some colleague approaches you. Reading the softcopy on cell phones is also easy during meetings, if you know how to maintain the right demeanour. You may not be able to avoid work completely, but you can definitely take on tasks that have lenient deadlines so that you have enough time to read.

Though your colleagues may think you are erratic or sick, visiting the restroom often or eating your lunch alone is totally worth it if you can finish the book.

Switch off the data on your cell phone. WhatsApp messages not delivered to you do not warrant a reply. You may miss some calls, but that it is fine too if it’s not urgent.

Leave from work on time, take a cab back, and then you have all the evening to yourself for the book.

It is definitely a hurdle race, but it is possible to pack in more hours for reading on a day when the book nears the end and climax beckons you like a siren.