Guerilla Warfare? I Say Guerilla Generosity!

Are you a guerilla generosity warrior?

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We have all heard and read A LOT about guerilla warfare. Yes. It’s a great strategy and yes Maharana Pratap, Veer Shivaji were all great at it. But you know what they were also great at but we don’t talk about? Guerilla generosity! Yes, that’s an actual thing. Yes, a spontaneous attack on your enemy group might help you win a war, but how about a spontaneous act of kindness instead? How about preventing a war? Instead of surprising your enemy with a small group of armed soldiers, how about surprising some random strangers in need with a small group of humans equipped with some goodies? That sounds so good, no? Maybe it’s not as brave and exciting as the guerilla warfare but you know what? It is much more rewarding.

Generosity Inspires Reciprocal Generosity

Let’s make the whole world become guerilla generosity warriors!

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When you shoot a man with a gun, you will be shot back. Similarly, when you are generous to others, others are also generous to you. In fact, the effect is way more than that. When you are kind on somebody, the chances are they will forwards that kindness to others, to somebody else! It is a chain reaction! If an eye for an eye can make the world go blind, kindness for kindness or generosity for generosity can make the whole world go insightful and understanding and kind and what not! Imagine that world and imagine you making it happen!

How To Become Guerilla Generosity Warrior?

It doesn’t cost anything but gives A LOT in return!

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The best aspect of becoming a guerilla generosity warrior is that there’s absolutely no training or sacrifice required. You have nothing to lose and the whole world full of hearts to win. Guerilla generosity is not about giving and taking, it is also not about sacrificing yourself for someone else’s good, no. Guerilla generosity is an act of kindness, of care that is enriching to both the giver and the receiver.

Examples of the acts of guerilla generosity are very simple. Offering delivery person a glass of water, make your partner breakfast in bed, Volunteer at an old-age home, Give somebody a compliment, conduct events for underprivileged kids, send care packages to soldiers, write somebody an encouraging letter, and so on!

What are you waiting for? Become a warrior already! The world is on war footing.