Guess What Happened When CBI Stood Before The Mirror?

When CBI’s now hot target - is CBI itself!

Image Credit: Twitter

When you thought India couldn’t surprise you anymore, that is when the CBI stepped in saying, ‘let me take the lead!’ CBI has recently raided their own headquarters and found many guilty of bribe, but in India, corrupt officials do not excite us anymore. What the entire country is surely laughing at is the little or no trust that CBI has had on its officials, and the officials in turn returned them with tons of reasons of their unworthy positions.

If the Central Bureau of Investigation has corruption in its branches, pray what can we expect from the citizens of this country? So much so, CBI turned out to be ‘ghar shatru Vibhishan’ for its own officials. For twitter however, it’s time for memes and fun! While some are lamenting over the sorry state, others have started using the famous ‘Spiderman meme’ for this special cause. While the arresting session is going on full-fledged, we are astonished that CBI has kept a track of every WhatsApp message and money statements to finally conclude when need be. Though this is appreciable, imagine CBI working hard on exposing itself?

Special Director at CBI, Rakesh Asthana is reportedly guilty of accepting bribes

Credits: Twitter

We learn from our mistakes, we indeed do. But, CBI might have taken this way too seriously. As a matter of fact, CBI has made it a point to clear itself off unwanted and corrupt officials. Does this mean we finally have a CBI which is only concentrating on the good of the people and not on how they can benefit from it? If the Number 2 man, Rakesh Asthana, is only among the majorly bribed people in the entire unit, what else could CBI do?

However, CBI turning into Hogwarts all of a sudden was a fun deal to watch. Though you are safe in there, you are always scrutinized. Wonder if CBI has its own invisibility cloak to keep a check on its people and proceedings. CBI raiding CBI is one of the top trends in India now, and why not, after all, the point is, what better could we expect from higher officials in India?