Here’s A Marriage That Lasts Only A Day

And don’t worry, it’s a good thing that it lasts only a day ;)

Here's A Marriage That Lasts Only A Day
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Still wondering what this is about? Of course you are! I mean what kind of marriages last only a day. The special kind, you bet! So, do you want to have a “one-day trial” of married life? Are you willing to marry for a day, just for the heck of it? Are you looking for some bizarre adventure? Well, just keep reading because we have something really exciting for you.

In the era of Tinder, Amsterdam has gone one step ahead and offered one day marriage to its tourists! The campaign called “Marry an Amsterdammer for a day” is “god damn” crazy and fantastic. The beautiful city of Amsterdam has come with this campaign with a purpose of bringing locals and tourists together.

Of Course It Is Not For Free!

One day marriage can be quite a ride!
One day marriage can be quite a ride!

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The price starts at a 100 pounds (approximately Rs 9,000) and increases depending on the services you want. There’s also a provision of one day honeymoon after marriage. WHAT? YEAH! So, here’s how it works. You, a tourist, will bid for the listed brides or grooms. Next, a mock wedding ceremony is performed at Wed&Walk, a shop that doubles up as a chapel in the De Pijp district of Amsterdam. Reportedly, Wed and Walk has been conducting mock weddings for tourists since 2015.

The purpose is not just to promote interaction between tourists and locals but also to control the mess created by over-tourism. But how does this help? It does! Once the fake marriage is done, you and your local partner visit to explore lesser-known parts of the city. Thus, leaving popular places relatives less crowded.

Will I Find True Love?

Never say Never!
Never say Never!

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Sorry, but this is not really the right place for you to find true love. This is just a super innovative way of handling mass tourism by the capital of Netherlands. They are smart! You should be too and the smart thing to do is not look for love but have LOTS OF FUN! Having a local guide you as a fake partner can be pretty interesting and exciting. So what it’s fake? You still got a whole day to connect with each other, talk, enjoy, and dance and what not! Do not underestimate the power of human connection.

So, when are you planning to visit Amsterdam? Do not go for the one-day marriage saga. I understand the commitment phobic in you is really tempted but no, this isn’t real, remember that! As far as visiting Amsterdam is concerned, read this and decide!