How To Make Your House Feel Like A Home?

Build a place where you always want to be at the end of the day.

How To Make Your House Feel Like A Home?
Image Credit: Movie- Dear Zindagi

It is really important that the house you come back to everyday feels safe and comfortable. Your house becomes your home when it embodies an environment where you feel the safest and the most secure. This is why, your mom isn’t *wasting her time* while relentlessly decorating and maintaining your house to make it more and more welcoming. Making your house home cozy, warm, comforting, welcoming and safe is what makes it a home.

Keep Your Space Clean

Clean your kitchen every day!
Clean your kitchen every day!

Image Credit: Movie – Hunterrr

You can never ever feel comfortable in a place that’s always dirty. A cluttered place will only make you feel more anxious and promote nervousness. The first step of making your house a home is keeping it clean. Only a clean place can grow itself into a cozy home. Always remember that your physical surrounding is perceived as the expression of how you feel and vice versa. So, if you want to feel better, make your surrounding space look better. Here’s how to get started: Do not let your clothes pile up, always clear the clutter from your desk, regularly wash your sheets and towels, periodically mop the floors, and so on. Making sure the house smells good is also an outcome of cleaning. You can step up your game here by using scented candles or room fresheners.

Light It Up!

Let the sun shine inside your house and make it more and more home!
Let the sun shine inside your house and make it more and more home!

Image Credit: Movie – Dear Zindagi

It is important that your house receives ample amount of natural light. Natural light is always very welcoming and makes you feel more aware of your surroundings. And when the sun isn’t shining, make sure your house has the right light to make you feel warm and relaxed. Ideally, warm temperature shades of white or yellow do the trick. Then, you can always add some extra lighting meant to be used for special occasions like lamps, lanterns, Chandeliers etc.

Do Not Keep It Empty

Photos on walls is the best way to make your house more home.
Photos on walls is the best way to make your house more home.

Image Credit: Movie – Wake up Sid

A house will never feel warm and cozy if it has more than required amount of empty spaces. Even empty walls are a big no! Fill your house will things you and your family would love to have around you. The walls can be filled with old pictures of you and your family. The wall can also be filled with art as looking at art can reduce stress and make you happy. Fill empty spaces around you with indoor plants. Plants are known for their ability to positively affect our mood and make us more responsible. You can also consider building a small terrace garden for your home.

Home is where the love is, so just make sure to fill your house with all the love you have. The most important aspect of home décor is and will always be love.