How To Save Yourself From An Emotional Crisis During The Marriage Season

Marriage is a big deal, whether or not you are one of the primary participants! :P

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When everyone around you is getting married, it is possible for you to begin questioning the life you are living. The emotional crisis you might feel in a situation like that can be due to various reasons and emotions inside your head. Sometimes, you even begin to doubt yourself. Sometimes, you just feel jealous. And sometimes, you take a snap decision to marry ASAP. Such feelings are highly uncomfortable and can often lead you to a place that isn’t good for your mental health.

But the truth is you are not alone and this shouldn’t really be that big a deal for you. Here are simple thoughts that can help you deal with this crisis.

Everyone Has Their Own Timeline At Play

Everyone is different, with different experiences, different pace, and of course different journeys.

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This is one very important lesson that all of us should learn and understand. Each one of us operate in our own timeline. Someone might become a successful businessman at a very young but that’s not your timeline. You will be successful too, at your own time. You need not run at the same pace as others. Similarly, everyone gets married at different times. Sometimes you choose not to marry for your own reasons. And sometimes, you do not happen to find “the one”. Under any circumstances, you need to acknowledge that “Apna Time Aayega”. The important thing is not when you get married, but WHO you get married to. Find the right person, you will have all the right time in the world.

It Is Okay To Feel Bad

There’s no point of feeling bad FOR feeling bad. I mean, we are all humans after all and we are allowed to feel the way we do. It is not necessary that you feel bad out of jealousy or bitterness. Sometimes, you just feel bad because your life is changing or the world around you is changing. It is completely normal. Let yourself feel the way you do. Talk to somebody about it. Give your mind an outlet for all these emotions. Denying yourself a feeling isn’t the right way to go. Feel it. Accept it. Move on!

Remember Why You Made The Choice

When nothing else helps, distract yourself from these thoughts.

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It is not that you are not allowed to feel anything if it was your choice to not marry. Absolutely not! But then, you should remember why you made that choice. Reminding yourself of the reasons and motivation behind it might help you cope with the emotional crisis. Distracting yourself from this feeling can also work wonders. Just try to get more engrossed in your work or pick something new up. A hobby or a sport or any activity. Keeping yourself occupied will help get rid of the impending emotional crisis. And always remember, you’re not alone. Reach out to your friends and family whenever you can.

Getting married is just a stage of your journey. It is not a goal. It is not an accomplishment. You will get married once you choose to. Sometimes the right partner might make you wait more than expected, but keep looking!