How To Stop The Society From Turning You Into Someone You Are Not

Save your real self. Do not change for anybody but yourself!

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The society we live in holds the power to lead us into changing our beliefs and ideals for better or for worse. Such is the dual-sided sword of human need for acceptance by the society. Your dreams, goals and aspirations can all be morphed into futility when viewed by a social lens. Born into this society, we’ve been at the social circus for decades now with our judgment clouded heavily by social norms. Here is how you can save your authenticity without turning into someone you’re not due to social pressure:

Eccentricity Is Beautiful

If you are shy, you’re arrogant. If you’re outgoing, you’re TOO MUCH. There’s no winning with the society’s perception. So, why not just be yourself! Unapologetically!

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Preservation of your authenticity should be your priority. When you start viewing yourself from a community’s point of view, your vision is distorted and more often than not, rubbished. You might believe you’re rational, but the society’s thoughts in general might differ. Your way of acting and living might come in conflict with that of the society, but that’s okay. Because when it is your life, it better be your rules.

Your Dreams Are Yours Alone

Don’t let anyone or thousand others tell you otherwise. If you dream to become the editor of Vogue, you can. You should know better than to seek validation of your dreams from those who have no knowledge of what you aspire. Neither do they have the bravery to break out of a monotonous life! Your goals are for you to achieve with hard work. When you don’t enjoy your desk job, the society isn’t going to come and comfort you out of misery. So you might as well invest your energy into manifesting your ambitions.

Love What You Love

And most importantly, love who you love.

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If you love sweets, eat them. If you love punk rock, hear it. And if you love girls, date her. Hiding your sexual orientation with fear of being abused and hurt is one thing but to live a life full of lies is another story altogether. You shouldn’t have to pretend you love someone you don’t because you’re not straight. You shouldn’t have to spend your life with someone you’re not in love with because they’re not from the same caste. Because it isn’t acceptable doesn’t mean you have to suffer every day. Be brave and be courageous to love who you love, regardless of their gender, caste or race.

Do What Makes You Happy

If hanging with your friends is your favorite activity, you don’t need to do that in hiding because majority of your friends are from the opposite sex. If you like to grow your hair long and you’re a guy or if you want to go bald and you’re a girl, go ahead and do it because you like it. Wear a dark lipstick, leave your corporate job or don’t get married till you’re 35 – all for yourself.

Stop sacrificing for the sake of social pressure. There is only endless personal loss down that road and you receive nothing apart from abandonment and sadness. Confirm to your own beliefs and not to the standards of the society. Stand your ground.