How Well Versed Are You With The Latest Dating Lingo?

Okay, do you know what “half-night stands” means?

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You have to practically sit with an urban dictionary link opened in your browser if you aren’t an active participant of the current dating scene. The lingo used currently while talking about relationships and dates are outright alien as well as hilarious. From “half-night stands” to “BREADCRUMBING”, the terminologies are endless and full of fun. Let’s take a look at few of these-

“BREADCRUMBING” – Just Follow The Crumbs

Just hope that you never get bread-crumbed.

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Say you are no really interested in dating someone but you are such coward that you cannot bring yourself to entirely break things off. What do you do? You keep sending flirty but non-committal messages to them and bam! You are “Breadcrumbing”. You know how you can follow the bread crumbs to find the animal who is stealing your food? Yeah so, you as a breadcrumber, are dropping these bread crumbs as hints for your date to understand what’s happening here.

“Half-Night Stands” – One Was Too Much I Guess?

Okay, you know all about one-night-stand. So what’s this new thing? It is just that but with a twist. YOU DON’T STAY THE NIGHT! You leave after action. Your guest or you (as a guest) leave as soon as you are done with the sexual interaction! Ideally, in one-night-stands, you get to stay and leave the next morning. But since you are leaving in the night itself, it is called *half*-night-stand!! Yeah? Yeah? Hehe!

And The Best One – “Situationship”

It is not a friendship. It is not a relationship. Um well, it is a situation-ship!!

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Literally speaking, it is a situational relationship. Hence the word- situation-ship. It is a romantic connection that may or may not covert into something real or long term. It is a relationship of convenience. Say you feel a romantic connection with someone but you want to avoid the traditional labels or monogamous commitment, you go for situation-ship. The “connection” could just be physical or both physical as well as emotional. In most cases, it is a relationship that only serves a short-term need in one or both the partners.

Do you want to add words to this list? Go on, by all means!