Janmashtami 2019: Valuable Lessons From Krishna’s Life

Lord Krishna's life is full of very special lessons and learnings.

Image Credit: TV show: Mahabharata

Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. Krishna was one of the most interesting and popular avatars of Vishnu. Not only is he worshipped all across the world but also talked about for his role in the great saga of Mahabharata. Here are few of the most important lessons one can learn from Krishna’s glorious life.

The King And The Charioteer

No job is small or big. All kinds of work from that of a King to that of a charioteer has equal amount of dignity.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Lord Krishna was a one of the most powerful and wealthy kings of his time. He ruled the glorious Rajya of Dwarka. And yet, without any doubt, he happily donned the role of a lowly charioteer. One can learn the art of being humble and generous from him. He was the very embodiment of simplicity.

Being humble and living a simple life will really help you in making meaningful relationships in life. Everybody likes a generous person and even wants to be friends with them.

Being A True Friend

Sudhama was Krishna’s childhood friend. Unlike Krishna, who was a wealthy king, Sudhama was a very poor and deprived man. In fact, at one point, the situation got worse and he could hardly arrange two meals a day. It was then that he decided to meet Lord Krishna in the hope of some support or assistance. When Lord Krishna met Sudhama, he cried out of happiness. He welcomed him by washing his feet with his own hands. After such a warm welcome, Sudhama did not have a heart to share his problems to his friend Krishna. But when Sudama reached back to his home, he found a lavish house, beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry waiting for him.

Krishna understood Sudhama’s problems even if Sudhama didn’t utter a word about it, teaching us the meaning of true friendship.

Do Not Give Up Your Hobbies

Lord Krishna loved playing flute and mesmerising everyone with his talent.

Image Credit: TV show: Mahabharata

You must have noticed countless pictures of Lord Krishna with his beloved Flute. It is because, no matter what, he always managed to take out time for his favourite hobby of playing flutes.

Many of us use an excuse of “busy life” for giving up our hobbies. But hello, you are surely not as busy as the King of Dwarka and master strategist of the Mahabharata war- Lord Krishna. If he can take out time for his passion, his hobby, I am quite sure you can too.

I hope you try to inculcate these really important lessons into your life!