Let’s Bang These Myths Related To Sex

We have all heard so many sex related myths, haven’t we?

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Growing up, the “sex talk” used to be exceptional. With absolutely no sex education in schools or at home, we have all grown up actually believing in some of the most stupid things related to sex. Even as adults, there are many facts about sex that we aren’t completely aware of. In fact, there are many myths that we still believe in. I read a lot and hence, I got an opportunity to educate myself well in time. I banged those myths before it was too late. Here I am writing this article, so that you can too!

Masturbation Can Make You Go Blind!

Oh no, don’t let them make you believe that it hurts. It doesn’t!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

There are too many myths doing rounds when it comes to masturbation. It’s crazy, really! From going blind in men to causing sexual dysfunction in women, the list is long and hilarious. If you are still wondering what the truth is, you can masturbate all you want my friend. There is absolutely no truth in any of these myths.

In fact, believe it or not, masturbation does more good than bad. It helps you release tension. It can help in easing menstrual cramps in women. And most importantly, it helps you understand and appreciate your body in a more nuanced way.

Frequent Sex Can Decrease Your Stamina

There is a long list of rumours and myths related to frequent sex too. Some say it affects your heart, some say you lose your stamina, while there are also those who believe frequent sex can cause problems in your sexual organs. Here’s the deal- they are ALL wrong.

The important thing is to understand which practice suits you and your partner to act accordingly. The important thing is to exercise safety. It is not your place to worry about all these crazy myths. A consensual sex is anything but GOOD for you and your body. Do not believe in anything else.

The Orgasm

Sexual practice is more about the journey than the destination.

Image Credit: Pexels.com

Ah! *pun intended* Here’s the most interesting topic of all and for a reason! The reason being, there are just too many myths around this topic. Let us take on as many as we can. “Orgasm is the only goal” The act of sexual intercourse is in itself a journey of pleasure. It isn’t so much about the goal as you might think. Moving on, a woman can or cannot have multiple orgasms. There’s no strict rule, some can, may cannot. “You can only orgasm through penetrative sex” This is another myth that needs to be corrected. Many women might require clitoral stimulation to experience an orgasm. “Women should fake orgasm” Hello? No, they shouldn’t! If anything, the partners should talk about it and make sure they are both experiencing the pleasure they expect to.

I hope this helped *bang* few of the myths you believed in!