Let’s Spread Smiles This International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking

Did you know listening can reduce drug addiction a lot?

Image Credit: Pinterest

When the video of a little boy ‘Kamlesh’ doing the deadliest drugs emerged out as the winner for memes and laughs on the internet, nobody took to see that beneath his broken language and comic timing, he was a sad, dark and unarranged human being who didn’t know anything better than drugs. This made the sensible audience teary-eyed and some people made sure Kamlesh soon leads a normal life like any other human being.

Drug abuse is one of the most heart-wrenching things that humanity has ever seen. It doesn’t just threaten someone’s life but also makes it a point to ruin everybody around him. This goes on like a chain, until everybody who ever fell pray makes vulnerable to the changes around him. So, on this International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us support the ones who have been engaged to deadly drugs either by choice or fate. It’s not for us to judge them, but to support and appreciate their existence so that their abuse decreases with each passing day. So, in an endeavor to appreciate the great human beings who have dedicated their lives to prevent drug abuse, our President handed over National Awards to these saviors.

Listen them out, observe them and pay attention to what they want to express

Image Credit: Twitter

The theme for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking this year, “Listen FIRST” is apt and beautiful. Sometimes, love can heal things which medicine fails to. As Dumbledore would agree, hatred only leads to hatred, and love can win the most difficult wars. As rightly declared in this year’s campaign, “Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe”. So, it is on us to be loving and compassionate towards the victims of drug abuse who, according to them, have no other option but to give in, but we know that they could live their life without the threat of drugs and illegal practices.


Mr. Dhar is an active member who fights against drug addiction

Mr. Parikshit Dhar, who had once been a victim too, is now an active member of a project named “Shuddhi” by Kolkata Police, and also runs a rehab. As per Mr. Dhar, “Celebrating a single day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking on 26th June is not enough. We need to spread more awareness among school and college students, because they are more susceptible to abuse than a 35 year old. We also need to make people in the slums aware of the negative consequences of drug abuse.”


Mr. Dhar runs a rehab to help victims of substance abuse get back to mainstream

“There are three main sources behind a person becoming addicted. First may be genetic, second is peer pressure (urge to take drugs when friends are taking it), third possibility is curiosity towards the experience” says Mr. Dhar. “Lifestyle disorders like clubbing, partying at discos etc. without much interference or observation from parents and near ones, are also reasons why kids get introduced to drugs. Its is very important to observe the behavior of your near ones and take immediate steps to consult a psychiatrist or put the person into a rehab if you want to save a life.”

We have often seen Bollywood movies where we see youngsters as victims of drugs. But in the upcoming biopic Sanju, we will witness the struggle of a once real-life drug addict, that Sanjay Dutt had been.

Sanjay Dutt has gone through a lot in his life due to his drug addiction

Image Credit: Movie – Sanju

From the December of 1987, the 26th of June is being observed as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which has helped many to get rid of their drug abuse situations. And we hope we will save many more lives from getting wasted soon.