From #MeToo To Men Too, Here’s What Men Are Doing For Gender Quality

On International Men's Day, we wonder how #HowIWillChange responds to #MeToo.


After allegations against Harvey Weinstein began to fly fast and the floodgates against sexual harassment opened, the #MeToo campaign took social media by storm. While many men joined the campaign. From Ben Affleck to Vir Das, all put up posts with #MeToo.

Now Australian journalist and screenwriter Benjamin Law has created #HowIWillChangeas a tool to publicly announce his support and to commit to change against the culture of sexual violence.

The act of sharing #MeToo stories on social media shook the public, highlighting how many women have had similar experiences. Law’s #HowIWillChange is just what everyone needed. It will give voice to all who want to stand up.

Many men are already showing their commitment towards a changed mindset towards women empowerment.

All the responses have been channelled towards what men themselves will do to ensure that they don’t engage in harassment in any form or degree. This is good extension of Emma Watson’s HeForShe, which called on men as gender equality is not a women’s issue only.

It is only with equal endeavour and equal strife that real equality will be possible. Because only one half of the population is not the victim. It is an everyday battle for all those who submit to patriarchy in any form, whether at work, school, or withing families.

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