A Millennial Explains Why The Current Generation Deserves To Be Entitled

A look into the privileged generation of India on the 71st Independence Day


The fourth generation after the independence is brewing itself to be ready to join the workforce soon and I wonder what are their ambitions. This generation by many has been called the “quick fix generation”, “narcissist” and what not. But the question is; why wouldn’t they be what they are? They don’t have to grow the economy after a colonial rule like our grandfathers did, they don’t have to create new industries like our fathers did and unlike us, they don’t have to struggle with unconventional ambitions for themselves. They have come into a society which only has internal evils to fight and not external. They are the privileged generation because all of us have worked together to get ourselves to a stature where those who come next become entitled.

So yes, their idea of independence would vary from ours. For them independence would be choosing careers that they want to, owning things that they want to, living & travelling where they want and much more. This generation’s identity can be gauged from their phones. By looking at what they install, what they use, where they talk, they become easy to decipher in terms of identity but difficult in terms of consumption. The number of options available to them are humongous and hence the ease to move.

We are celebrating the 70th year of Independence of our country soon. Even though we still have a million problems to solve, a pat on the back is much deserved. The future that our predecessors and we had imagined for the new generations has come true. We would be giving them the liberty to take up a vocation, which didn’t exist five years back and also the power to create more of them. So they can choose to work on solutions, which can eradicate all the neglected social evils.

Our country focused in these 70 years a lot on our economic condition and has achieved many of the goals it had set for itself. The next generation though has an important task, they have to free our society from the evils to which we didn’t pay attention. Structures of cast need to be demolished, economic disparity should be reduced, women should be given an equal status and religion should become more universal. The list might be longer but these need urgent attention. So today we shouldn’t be glum that we have so many problems, we should be proud that we have empowered the youth today who can find a solution for them.

Instead of questioning their idea of independence, we should first guide them in finding the very meaning of that word. Because when you know what barriers you have to break to be free, then you can be focused on the solution.

So let us be watchful mentors instead of cynical detractors, as the fourth generation navigates their way through their independence. Because in their paths could lie the solutions that we have missed out on.

Maybe then we would be a better society.