Millennial Or Gen Z? Which One Am I?

Let us try and understand these two latest generations and how they are different.

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This is actually one of the common doubts people have these days. I’m sure you have also wondered which generation your personality is most like- Millennial or Gen Z. It’s high time we found definitive answers for this question.

Generation Z is actually the demographic cohort following the Millennials. Technically, anyone born in or after 1995 belongs to the Gen Z. But then people often prefer using personality traits to identify their generation. Honestly, there’s a lot in common between the two generations and hence, the confusion is understandable. Both Millennial and Gen Z are multi-taskers, have more entrepreneurial tendencies, are tech-savvy, are digitally active and so on. And yet, there are few evident differences if you really want to know who is who.

More Social, More Global

Gen Z is more global and social in their interactions and thoughts.

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Who? Of course the Gen Z! Generation Z was born with a digital footprint. They follow celebrity styles, news, online viral content and everything that’s trending. Since, the Gen Z was born with internet, social media etc around them, they are much more connected to the world than any other generation before. Today, we can notice similarities and a global culture amongst kids of same age. Something like this was not possible before, simply because of the lack of communication.

Lack Of Focus

The attention span of Gen Z is much shorter than of the Millennials. And isn’t that obvious with the given scheme of things? Being constantly updated and aware of trends and news and what not can take a toll on your concentration abilities. The bright side of this picture is that the Gen Z is quite faster when it comes to processing the given information.

Valuing Money

The Gen Z probably do not realise the value of money because they haven’t witnessed recession like the Millennials have.

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Millennials have much better understanding of money’s value than the Gen Z. Gen Z do not care about prices as much as Millennnial do. Millennials are all about getting the maximum discount and cutting the best deal. On the other hand, Gen Z is more concerned about the result/product than its price.

Can you tell now? Which generation your personality is most like? Do let us know in the comments.